neveragain's Blog
What advice would you give your kids about becoming step parents?
I see that a lot of you on here are young; my bio kids are probably almost as old as you. What advice will you give your bio kids about becoming a step? Do you wish someone had warned you?
My son, on his own, has decided he will not get involved with someone with kids. My daughter feels the same way. She sees the world a little more through rose colored glasses and doesn't always think about down the line, so I have told her it's in her best interest to steer clear of a guy with kids.
Voice your opinion!
Do you feel like your skids are as much siblings to your bio kids as your bio kids are to each other? For instance, you and your spouse have three bios together. Do you feel like they are closer and more true siblings than they are with the steps? Do you try to foster a relationship with the steps or do you foster more of a relationship between your bios, and why?
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What is the point?
Things have changed quite a bit regarding COs and visitation. I can't figure out for the life of me what is the point of the NC picking up their kid for 2 hours on a weeknight, for instance. Doesn't this just create a lot of uneccesary shclepping around for everyone concerned? Isn't it harder on the kid to get picked up, eat dinner, and then go home? Is it really for the kid's sake or for the parents?
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Does anyone else feel like BM's and BD's pull a bait and switch while dating?
From reading these blogs and from IRL experieneces, I feel like people with kids are just looking for step parents and are not really interested in a true relationship. How many of you have experienced dating a man/woman long term who has visitation maybe every other Saturday, and suddenly, when the wedding ring goes on, they want the skids to come over more frequently, spend a month in the summer, etc? I think this is what causes a lot of SM's and SD's to become disillusioned.