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SD16 thinks I'm too mean...

NCMilGal's picture

to be a Drill Sergeant??

My bosses visited yesterday (long story - we see them about twice a year) and tried to sell us on fixing their problem - they need people to volunteer for Drill Sergeant and recruiting duty. I will never EVER be a recruiter, I'm not good with people and I'm not a good salesperson. But DS, well, I've always been interested. I just thought I was too old (37) and too senior (E7) to be considered now.

DH is all for it. It would mean being separated for 2-3 years but if we can swing it, we'd only be 2 hours away from each other. Apparently, SD16 called him at work after I told him I was thinking about it, and he told her. She says that I'm too mean.


She thinks that I would go OFF on some private, and just crush their spirit. Um... I have given her some pretty memorable asschewings, but by and large, I don't yell at her. We get along great. Now, I do get pretty passionate, and my voice raises, and I start cussing like a sailor. I'm also, um, pretty judgmental, and can colorfully condemn piss-poor behavior.

So what do the STalkers think? One of our own, yelling at those spoiled skid whose SMs are praying will go into the military? I'm just scared that I couldn't do it - that the brats wouldn't listen to me.


B22S22's picture

My first DH was in the military (Army). Not much frightened him... except his DI. "The Big Brown Round" and all that.

I think it's a good opportunity for you!

Probably also would be great if you could identify those punks in basic who gave their SM's grief and hell... and let them know you've been there, done that, and you're the worst kinda karma they could have ever dreamed of... HA HA HA! But you have to say it using the voice of the guy in Full Metal Jacket (what was his name??)

just.his.wife's picture

Maybe my army memories are from a bygone era, but it was always my understanding that a good DS's job was to erase the mamsy-pamsy mammas boy/ princess on a pedastool, entitled individual thinking of 'me,me,me' and turn that lump of flesh into a team playing, stiff spined, team playing/thinking, goal (task/mission) oriented MAN (or WOMAN).

A DS is supposed to teach that elder (higher) rank has more experience and is to be respected (thus chain of command, saluting, etc) and if necessary beat that lesson into any little punk who thinks they 'know better'.

From your description of yourself above, I think you would make a great DS. Give 'em hell. Raise 'em us right since their parents molly coddled them!

NCMilGal's picture

Mazzy - 2 hours distance, and DH gets 4-day weekends EVERY DANG month. He lived with guys (back in the day) whose family was in that town and they lived here - he said it was VERY doable. Not to mention I could come home off-cycle. How many fathers around here are driving 2 hours twice EOW to see the skids? Different relationship, sure, but I think it could work.

It's a tough schedule. Although, when the former drill looks at me in disbelief when I describe some of my exercise schedules... In at 4am, go home around 7pm, one day off a week, one 24-hour shift a week... Drills get an extra $350/month, better promotion rates, and a support network. They also get divorced at a horrific rate, generally due to the schedule.

B22S22 - it's an Australian Bush Hat for the women. I'd love a Brown Round, but I think it'd look silly.

The Army generally has a lot of trouble filling these slots. It's HARD WORK. Most people have to be forced into it. So getting offered - eh, not necessarily a compliment.

B22S22's picture

Well, it's been many many years since my DH1 was in the Army... but I think you'd look SMASHING in a BBR. As an aside, he was in the mech inf, so there weren't many women in his neck of the woods.

oneoffour's picture


Isn't this is what you are supposed to do? Break down their bad habits and build them into mean fighting machines who work as a team? My DS20 loved his DSs. They were tough but fair. Cna you ask for more than that?

And as for her comments 'breaking some poor kids spirit.." Really? Isn't that the purpose. You want to bring out the best in the recruit, not pander to their widdle feelings. My son has still got his personality but he is a LOT more mature now @ 20 than a lot of his friend swho did not take the military route.

Oh the bush hat? My ex is Australian and when the kids lived with him they bought me one. I must say I looked pretty good...*wink*

Go for it. As long as neither of you go off the plan and get selfish and ALWAYS talk at least ONCE every 24 hrs you should be good to go. If I had this career op. and Iw as oyur age (sigh! So long ago now!)I would grab it and run with it.