BM shows her class - and, a letter from SD15
Class A jackassery, that is.
BM is a 'Good Christian woman' who castigates DH for cussing - has hung up on him because he asked her, "Can I get one f-ing word in edgewise??" while she was screaming at him.
Fast-forward six months, and... DH was on the phone with SD15. BM starts in on SD15, calling her 'a f-ing manipulative little b#####' etc. Where's the good Christian behavior in calling your own daughter nasty names?
At the same time, I said something about it to SD15 (we email just about daily and have a pretty good relationship) her reply:
"The only reason I called Dad and talked to him about that was because The arguements have been getting to where it's every other day we are having them and it always ends the same. By the time Mom lets me put in a word, I'm crying on the floor because I don't feel like she listens to me. No I know she cares about me but I feel that she doesn't treat me like a young adult. Seh talks down on me and cruses me out. When I get hurt because she says the F word she just says it's a word. Now Mom is really nice and all but I feel that she is suffacating me! I can't breath. It's like I don't know when I get home which Mom I'm going to have, happy Mom, sad Mom, or angry, I'-ready-to-pick-a-fight-for-no-appearent-reason Mom.
she actually thinks that I'm gonna runaway soon because I've told her that I want to get away from her. I mean it really hurts. I don't know how to take Mom because we are so much alike and yet so different too. I feel that she talks down to me. She wants me to take on high responibilies and yet keep me as her little girl. It's painful. I don't want every conversation that her and I have end in me breaking down. I really DON'T. But I ask myself, what can I do since I'm the child and she's the adult? I can't just stand up to her, can I? Man, I really don't know. I'm at my wits end right now. I don't know what else I can do to better our relationship."
Ladies - SD15 is asking for MY help in improving her relationship with BM. I don't know what to tell her - I deal with the psycho hosebeast by ignoring her existence. Hell, DH does the same.
There is NO WAY that we could ever get custody.
-SD15 will never stand up to BM to say she wants it, nor will she leave her little brother
-a judge will look at dual-military and say, "too unstable"
-DH has been in TX for the last year, and is finally coming home in June.
-Our house is uninhabitable right now; we got hit pretty hard by a tornado in NC last weekend (house was vacant - nothing lost that can't be replaced)
I'm a fixer and a planner. I want to DO something, and to have to stand by and offer nothing but words is tearing me apart.
- NCMilGal's blog
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