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MyMistake's Blog

Little liar is at it again

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SS13 has a big problem with lying. He lies about everything and I have no idea how to handle it anymore. He doesn't take ownership for anything, will blame others for all him problems and responsibilities he lets go by the wayside. He lies to manipulate people, get out of trouble, get people to buy him things, get people to "like" him better and then plays it off as nothing when he is caught. If he apologizes its because he was found out, not because he feels bad about lying.

Love the skids unconditionally?!

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I know I married my husband because I love him, not because I loved his kids. At the time I liked his kids quite a bit, but not love, especially not the maternal kind that my DH expects me to have with them. I have tried very hard to love them, but it is very difficult to love someone who treats you like you are their maid, who disrespects you and your property and argues with you about practically everything.

Kids are finally back in school

MyMistake's picture

Although I really don't like shuffling the skids around like a chauffeur, having them back in school once again is giving me a much needed relief during the day. Since this is the longest I have had to take care of them practically non-stop (it didn't help that my husband was away on business for 4+ days a week) I was just about ready to jump off a cliff with all the "I'm hungry" and "I'm bored".
