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Mydogwinnie's Blog

Update on situation

Mydogwinnie's picture

Thank you for all the comments on the situation I wrote about in my prior blog. It is completely unacceptable. I knew this before I wrote the blog, but I needed to hear it from others, especially from the stepparent perspective. I am still so upset that I sent my SO away. He has the option to live on-site at his workplace so I said it's best to stay there until I cool off. I'm still so heated. He apologized but it doesn't land on my end. This should never have happened. He assures me that SS is off the account but I don't believe it. I refuse to text him at all.

Non-existent boundaries

Mydogwinnie's picture

Well, yesterday was not a good day in the stepparenting world. Let's start with the fact that the basement flooded with sewage. How did I discover this? My toddler snuck downstairs as I was cooking dinner and all of a sudden I hear the sound of feet splashing in a puddle.  That's strange.. What could that be? I rushed downstairs and sure enough, poop water. Poop water everywhere. Now that would've sucked for anyone but the story doesn't stop there.