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So.. Just to re-cap we were granted Custody of SS5 in April- Now BM is DEMANDING that we tell her

mrsparks's picture

where he's going to school, what his hours are etc.
Kinda funny when the shoe is on the other foot, she would always refuse to tell DH anything about SS, now all of a sudden as the non-custodial parent she has a sudden need to know. We're not going to withold the information from her forever, but now she's threatening to press charges against DH for not giving her information as she demands it. DH asked her when she plans to start paying her child support. BM asked him why he's so pressed for a little bit of money, then asked him how his heart was- As he has heart disease and had a heart attack a few year back. How do I handle this b***h?!
I'm tired of the antics..


Pantera's picture

Don't depend on child support from her. We've been through and are going through that right now. I wouldn't even ask her, let her dig a hole for herself. I wouldn't even ask her about it.

I would suggest that DH keep all communications with her through text or email and when she calls SS5, hand the phone directly to him. Thats what we do NOW and it cut down alot of the drama (not all, but alot of the drama, lol).

As for the school thing, I wouldn't play her games. Let her know but I make sure you let the school know that there has been a change in custody and that there are only a few people that are allowed to pick him up and they need to show ID. We had to do this as well. DH fell into the "the shoes on the other foot now" for the first few months, but it truly doesn't help anything.

Good Luck with Everything and Congrats on getting Custody.

mrsparks's picture

Oh we are not expecting support at all from her. I know she's working now, but she wasn't for a long time. She's at the state minimum of $50- We know she has no intention of paying willingly. She's also supposed to be responsible for 50% of his expenses, which will never happen either. I don't she will even come to pick him up on her visitation weekends to be honest. SS has a lot of developmental needs so he will be going to extended school and will more than likely have a Sat. speech pathologist on Saturdays, those things cost, we are not holding our breath, she is as irresponsible and non-caring as they come.

So I will take your advice and do the right thing..

Thank you!

Pantera's picture

Trust me, I know all about her kind, lol. BM now thinks she's Mother of the Year because she is now taking SS10 3 nights a month. For 2.5 years, she probably saw him 10 times (and I might be exaggerating with 10), there were times were 6 months would go by and she didn't even call. Good Luck with it all, SS is lucky to have you guys in his life.

herewegoagain's picture

It is amazing how when the shoe is on the other foot things change, but she does have a right to know. CS and all the other things are separate issues. Be the bigger person and provide her with this information asap. Yes, she'll play games, but don't play games along with her. You provide what she needs and you also tell cs she has sent nothing.

iwishyouwould's picture

Our non-custodial bm is PSYCHO and this is what we have done : Tell her that from now on you will only be communicating with her thru email, then block her number on all phones (BM harrassed us ENDLESSLY until i thought i was going to cry and felt like i was being stalked). Dont return her calls or texts, but do make some kind of record of them. Give her only the info that you are required by your agreement to give her; tell the school that she is not authorized to pick up ss, and that if she comes to his school to pick him up to call DH immediately (our bm likes to take ss and dissapear.. somehow she thinks this is her right as a mother). you can also arrange thru the courts to either have supervised visits or to have a third party at exchanges so you never actually have to see the crazy witch.

mrsparks's picture

Well one of the reasons that we haven't given her any school information, is because we are looking at schools for him this week, due to his IEP and speech and other developmental needs, we need to find the right fit, he will also need to be enrolled in school extended for the summer.
I guess I made it sound like we just weren't going to tell her to get back at her.
Of course we will, but right after we have him enrolled and the school is fully aware of the change in custody and has the court order in their hands.

mrsparks's picture

There is nothing in our paperwork that says joint legal anything.
It lists Dad as the custodial/residential parent and mom as the non-custodial parent, and that dad's cs stops and mom's starts and dad is to get tax exemption every year.

Gestalt's picture

If there is nothing about dad have sole legal, then he really should be consulting with mom about the school.

Shaman29's picture

When DH received custody of his kid, he asked Uberskank the very same question a few months later....when do you plan on sending me CS? Her reply was swift and snotty....."Go through the state!"

So he did.....

It took months for the CS Department to get their act together and garnish her wages, but it was totally worth it for DH. She was nearly 18 months behind on CS.....her paychecks were being garnished...and for the last year her unemployment. She has custody again and even though DH now pays CS to her, she's still has to pay him back.

I can't wait until his kid is 18. If she goes to college than CS goes straight to her and at least we'll know for sure his kid is benefiting from these funds.