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BM left SS in daycare from 11a/m/ to 11p.m. on his birthday! DH and I were livid when we looked at the log in sheet..

mrsparks's picture

at daycare from 11a.m. to 11p.m. on his birthday! Can you even believe it.. DH and I were livid, BM is to submit a work schedule to the daycare every week and she has 30 min. transit time at the end of her shift to pick SS up. Well the hours on that sheet were so sporadic and crazy.. 7a.m. to 9:30 p.m. 3:45-9:15 another time.. I'm very curious as to if she even has a job at this point, she HAD to have one to get the voucher to enroll SS in daycare, but there's no way that the jewelry store that she supposedly is working at has those type of hours, also she said she doesn't work weekends, what mall jewelry store do you know that wouldn't have you working on weekends?! Our lawyer is going to have her work records subpoenaed.. something seems really really fishy..

We had a party for SS today, it was great and he was really happy, I hope we made up for him being left in daycare all day on his special day..


Freedom2005's picture

My children would never let me live it down. How horrible!

My heart goes out to the little guy!!! Sad

Happy birthday buddy!!! I hope they get better for ya!!!

TheCharm's picture

If she was going to be "occupied" for 12 hrs, she should have let your DH have him. I'm glad you've got your attorney on the case.

HummingBirdHunny's picture

Awww, poor kid! Maybe someone needs to leave her someplace all alone without family of any kind on her birthday. I am glad to hear that he had a great time at the party you and your DH had for him. At least he can look back on this and remember that even if his stupid BM left him all alone for his bday, that you and DH never forgot about him. What did the daycare provider have to say about this stupid stunt?

mrsparks's picture

Made a point to tell us, how late he was there, that's when I asked to see the log in/out sheet for that week..
I was so po'd- How can anyone do that..

The worker asked if it was his birthday on Thursday [we picked him up friday] I said yes.. She said, well we had a little party for him here, because he was here "reaaaalllly laaaatttee" she really emphasized how long he was there.. I think they know what's up with BM.

Crizzle's picture

That breaks my heart! That poor kid! I think I might cry...really. I could never do that to a child, not even my skids and they aren't exactly on the top of the list of people I like. God bless him. Just heartbreaking.

"If your going through hell, keep on going, don't slow down, if you're scared, don't show it, you might get out before the devil even knows you're there" -Rodney Atkins