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moving_on_again's Blog

Again - POV of someone who says they have Borderline Personality Disorder.

moving_on_again's picture

These are so spot on to the way BM acts. The skids call them "episodes." She's not always crazy but the "crazy" always comes out eventually. My mom gets so mad when someone we know becomes BM's new "bestie." I deleted a HS aquaintance off of facebook because she had become best friends with BM. Now my DS is dating this HS aquaintance's daughter. I mentioned something to my son about how I didn't trust the girl's mom because of her relationship with BM. My son, who doesn't talk about much of anything ever, said, "Oh no! They hate BM!" He didn't elaborate.

Well, this is enlightening. From the POV of someone with NPD.

moving_on_again's picture

I always suspected that BM was never happy. It's interesting to read this perspective. No, it's not BM. She can barely type a text.

Are narcissists really as miserable as people claim? They seem to be happy and succeed in life at all times.

Lucy Langdon, Narcissist