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MotherTrucker's Blog

Wow, what a weekend it has been!

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SO my weekend actually started on Thursday because I took a vacation day from work on Friday. It was our Thursday to have SD. She had a music concert at school Thursday night so DH, me, and our 2 girls went to watch. Of course BM and her mother had to sit RIGHT BEHIND us and play happy little family for SD. Mind you this women has made our lives a living Hell for the last 6 or so months and the fact that she was sitting her fat ass behind me playing nice the whole time made my skin crawl.

BAM! She is cured!

MotherTrucker's picture

SO, DH went with SD and BM to SD's councilors appointment this morning (he missed the last one) and low and behold... SD has made a complete turn around/recovery. This is following a couple of pretty pleasant weeks with SD. She seems to be heading back to the half way polite/delightful little girl she was 6 months-1 year ago. She was diagnosed with slight depression/attachment disorder just a month ago and BAM she is cured! Either this councelor is a wack job or it was all an attention seeking thing with SD. All I know is that I don't really care.

BM's and Mother's Day

MotherTrucker's picture

Since DH FINALLY decided to grow some balls and actually tell SD that he will have to be at work Friday night while she is there, and she still wants to come, I have decided to take all 3 of the girls to Hot Pots. It is a place where you can pick your own pottery, ETC and hand paint them. They fire them for you and you pick it up and TAH DAH! Well, I know that I want the girls to go ahead and make DH something for Father's Day and his Birthday because they are close together, but should I let SD make something for BM for Mother's Day?

This one is for Echo... Recipe

MotherTrucker's picture

This looks and sounds gross, but it is amazing!


3 LG cans of corn, drained really well
2 cups of Mircle Whip
1 1/2 to 2 Cups of shredded cheddar cheese
1 small green pepper chopped

Mix that together and chill, right before serving add 1 – 2 bags of chili and cheese fritos and that is it.

This recipe is for a cook out or covered dish event, but you can make smaller portions too.


MotherTrucker's picture

SO DH had SD Thursday through Monday morning (today). That means that he had to do homework with her Thursday night for school Friday. Every week, SD has a literacy bag that is given on Friday's to be turned in the following Friday. Thats means they have 1 whole week to get everything done (A journal entry, worksheet, and reading at least 3 books from the bag). DH always at least makes SD read the books over the weekend that way during the week when she is at BM's she can take the 4 days and do the journal entry and the worksheet.

Why am I always the bad guy?

MotherTrucker's picture

Why is it that my DH will get mad at me for not telling him how I really feel in a situation, so I do, and he gets mad anyway??? I told him a while back that it is stupid for SD to be here on her Thursdays with us if he is going to be at work and she doesn't want to be here. Kind of a why make her be here when she could be spending the time with an actual parent kind of a thing.

Should I or should I not???

MotherTrucker's picture

Ok, so if you have read any of my blogs you will know that we have been having trouble with SD supposidly not wanting to come over on the weekends. BM has said that SD was shaking and crying because she was sooooo scared of DH (FYI, I can count on 1 hand the amount of times she has had her butt smacked in the last 4 years), that he is just sooo mean to her. Then BM's story changed to "I never said she was afraid of you, I said she was afraid to hurt your feeling by telling you she didn't want to come".


MotherTrucker's picture

It has been a pretty uneventful week on the SD front, but seeing as it is Friday, I am sure there is fresh drama approaching. It will probably be something along the lines of her not wanting to come, or being mad because I am planning on ordering pizza for dinner (yup, thats right, she gets upset if I order pizza), or maybe it will be that she hates her sisters so much that she doesn't want to see them... who knows?? Maybe it will be nothing and she will walk through the door with a huge smile on her face and just be so happy to see us that she can't contain it.. yeah in my dreams.

DH dropped the ball big time this morning...

MotherTrucker's picture

So after a great weekend away with the kids, we are home. We had a good Easter and after dropping SD off at BM's for her afternoon of the holiday, DH and I got to spend some time together and just relax. Then I got a phone call from SD asking if DH was sick? "Well no, no he isn't he is at home". "Oh, well he missed my appointment with the councelor this morning"! WTF!!!! Way to go DH, you completely forgot about the appointment!!!!!! Now BM will have more fuel for her fire.

Thanks for checking up on me BM... NOT!

MotherTrucker's picture

So I had to leave work early yesterday to take my BD3 to the dentist. I left around 1:45 so I could fill my truck with gas and head to pick the girls up and drive them to the 3:00 apt. Well DH was sick throwing up with the flu yesterday and he was throwing up so much that he couldn't drive SD back to her moms (she had a snow day from school) so BM had to come and pick her up. When BM got to our house, she said "where is MotherTrucker?"

DH said "I don't know, at work I guess" (he didn't remember about the dentist)

BM "her truck wasn't there"
