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BM has "Shut us out"

morethanibargainedfor's picture

Since the incident a couple weeks ago with BM showing up at our house to get SD and making a scene, we haven't heard from her.
It's very strange. The last thing she said was "SD isn't coming here anymore, just so you know"
And since then, silence. We haven't received a single text or call from her about anything. SO has talked to SD a few times and normally BM will get on the phone and bitch at him about something, but she hasn't.
She also blocked me from Facebook which I find hilarious, because I never even look at her facebook. The only reason I know she blocked me is because we have mutual friends and I always see her commenting on my friends posts (she does this because she knows ill see it) but hadn't seen it in a while, so I searched for her and she disappeared.

It's funny because I think she thinks she is punishing us or something by blocking me and by not trying to contact us. Girl please! This is our biggest wish come true!!! It's been so calm and stress free for the past 2 weeks because we haven't had to deal with her shit.
The only thing that worries me is that she's a nutcase and loves the conflict. I just cant help but think this is too good to be true, and maybe its just the calm before the storm. Or maybe she's gone completely insane and is filing for sole custody or something. Maybe I'm just letting my imagination get away from me and maybe she's just embarrassed because of the scene she made and is going to legit leave us alone. I really hope its the latter! I'm such a worry wart!


MarriedaBallessWonder's picture


misSTEP's picture

I know the feeling! BM swore the skids to secrecy that she was pregnant and got THIS guy to agree to marry her. We were CELEBRATING when we found out. I have no idea why BM would want to keep that stuff a secret from us.