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Thank you god - SS is away for a couple of days

MoominMama's picture

SS almost 18 took the train back to hometown to visit his grandfather and aunts two days ahead of our visit tomorrow (all saints day - bit like day of the dead, remembrance of those passed on) when we all meet for a family meal out. So, he's been gone since monday morning and its absolute BLISS.

DH came back from work at 11 am this morning (and is off until friday)we had lunch then went to bed for the afternoon }:) was deliciously naughty and then had a nice relaxed dinner together in the evening and are watching a movie.

I wish this could happen more, I cannot believe how much i've enjoyed the absence of SS. Smile


Acratopotes's picture

Moom - you naught naughty woman Wink

Well I hope DH liked it allot and this should encourage him to get SS launched and to be off to his own place, just imagine all the after noon naps you 2 can have }:)