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same sh*t, different day

Monica's picture

Morning everyone.... update time lol

Surprisingly, last night went really well what with the mother in law gone, but I got some very disturbing news from DH.

This is a strange one on my behalf because normally I would have freaked out, but I dont know what happened because I took it all very well. yesterday when I got home from the gym, he told me that he had spoken to her for about an hour while I was at work that day. Told me all about the things they talked about, *content deleted* What shocked me most was my lack of anger at hearing about this conversation. It really didn't even bother me that they talked without me there because of his openess about what they talked about I guess.

We ended up having a really great night. Although I admit when I woke up this morning and the conversation popped in my head first thing, I did feel a little nauseous, but I forced it away. I can't get upset about it now that I accepted it so easily last night. I can see the look on his face now, like a deer in headlights, if I were to make a fuss about it now lol.

I know that she still has ulterior motives for her niceness. She offered to do something that would be in our best interest, but I know, I know I know I know she's only doing it because he JUST told her to back off and leave him alone, and the first thing she does is take back something that she's been fighting for a long time now. All of a sudden she's just going to let him off the hook? Sure. She's thinking if she stops attacking him in this area (keeping that one to myself, sorry) then he'll be grateful to her and start talking to her again, and slowly she work herself back in. Over my dead body sweetheart. I can be nice and calm and not let things get to me, I really can. But I just KNOW how those type of women are. She's not doing anything thats beneficial to anyone but her own self. Did I just have a mood swing?

*OH! Now I remember what set me off. Come to find out dear motherinlaw has been texting BM EVERY MORNING.

deep breaths, deep breaths.


happysomeday's picture

i haven't read the rest of your blog yet, but it sounds like this lady is at least a little bit obsessed with you....

Monica's picture

which lady? BM or mother in law? They're both at the very top of my shit list this morning.

pissedoffinNC.'s picture

Why the hell is your MIL trying to stir up shit? I would confront my MIL if I found that out.. her helping you out or not its not right for her to say and do those things. Thats good that your DH is telling you that he had the conversation and what happened during that conversation. My DH does that also because of what has happened in the past. Thats good also that his daughter is including you in her everyday life and is liking you. But Chava is right though, sounds like this woman cant get over your man now that she cant have him and she is obsessed with your everyday life.. hhmmmm why does that sound so familiar to me? OH! HA. I go through the same thing. Go ahead, let it out!! type out things that make no sence!! LOL

"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."
-Joshua J. Marine

Monica's picture

good morning sunshine! I knew this one would get a response from you. Is it vault worthy? Why is she trying to stir up shit? Because that, my new found cyber friend, is what she does best. She has done it with every woman DH has ever dated. She even did it with BM. Difference is that it worked with every other woman. Not with me old bag, sorry. I can't confront her though, she is one of those that ALWAYS gets her way. No one wants to rock her boat because it's bad for all of us when that happens. Every one in the house just does what she says and turns the other ear to her comments and problem causing, because theres no solution to it, it only gets worse. Better to let her think she's in control and not let it affect us, than to get her riled up and live through the tension and chaos of fighting with a woman who does no wrong.

pissedoffinNC.'s picture

Good Morning!
aaaahhh I see.. she is one of those.. just kill me now is what I would be thinkning if I was you.oh yeah, this is DEF. vault worthy! What a nut! Gosh! I bet you cant hardly wait to get your own place. haha "old bag" I love it. LOL Thats just really sad thought that there are people like that and actually ENJOY making people miserable. Im one of those that doesnt like to make others mad for no reason at all so its really hard for me to grasp the fact that people just do it because they can and just dont give a crap. Im lucky that my MIL doesnt do that because I would loose it. People cease to freaking amaze me.

"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."
-Joshua J. Marine