I need to get this out before it comes out of my mouth.
SO went to visit SD6 tonight and learned that she was hospitalized over the weekend. He had tried to see her for Easter but was told that her schedule was full.
1.) SD6 is too busy to spend 5 freaking minutes getting her Easter basket from her father because she has other plans with BM and her friends. She hounds SO about "making SD a priority" translation: You need to come visit your daughter at my mother's house during the week when I'm not there even though there is absolutely NO reason why you should have any form of supervised visitation (meanwhile they cancel or change plans on him at the last minute all the time-ie HE isn't a priority and SD's relationship with him under these wacky terms isn't a priority to them). You also have to change the date that you visit her because Thursdays are when I'm there visiting her (Since I now crash at my boyfriend's house on a regular basis). He also needs to be more consistent-translation: you need to make sure that when I tell you she has a school event at 1 on Monday that you need to take her to, you are at my parent's house to take her at 5 even though you get out of work at 4:30 and work an hour away.
-SD6 IS a priority to SO just as all his children are. The problem is that he works 1 1/2 hours away from home, 40 hours per week, has an autistic son, a 2 year old and an ailing father. So sometimes things come up-I have to work late and can't get the kids home and to bed at a reasonable hour, his father is hospitalized or for f*cks sake the man is TIRED because BD2 was up all night and it was his turn to deal with 2am hell. (Because I work 40 hours a week too). Not to mention the fact that sometimes HIS visits are changed BY BM's mother who seems to be primary caregiver at this point because she has her own life too ya know-as she very well should.
-Visits could be a lot more regular if SD came to see us EOWE even if it was only a few hours with her grandmother OR BM.
2.) HOW HOW HOW is having a relationship with her half brother and sister going to be any more confusing for her than having a relationship with her half sister who her mother placed for adoption?!?!?!?!
-It won't. My step son and my daughter just didn't fall out of the golden uterus.
3.) SD6 was hospitalized over the weekend. BM didn't see fit to inform SO at ALL. That poor little girl deserves to have both of her parents there with her when she is sick and when she needs them. Before she was blocked, she told me "I allow SO to see SD". NO YOU DON'T-HE HAS A RIGHT TO SEE HIS CHILD GET OFF YOUR HIGH FREAKING HORSE YOU.............ERRRRR. She has told me on numerous occasions she hates SO. Well GTF over it sweet cheeks and stop punishing your kid because you have the emotional maturity of a 4th grader.
Okay, I think I have furious typed the rage out. I just don't get these women and their selfishness. What's maddening is they turn around and act like they are some kind of martyr. Meanwhile I just shake my head and wonder, it must be so nice to only have to account for your own feelings and pretend that is what is best for your kid.
There are real deadbeats out there. Ones that don't see their kids, don't support their kids, don't care about their kids at all. Then you have people who want to see their children, be active in their lives and you have these other bioparents who would just like to pretend that they have it sooooo bad meanwhile they are responsible for the deprivation, the missed holidays, birthdays and broken relationships. SO is not perfect by any means but at this point, BM needs to take a long hard look in the mirror and if she didn't get it when I spelled it out for her a couple of weeks ago, then the only way she's going to get it is when all of this comes around and bites her in the rear which makes me FURIOUS because want to know who suffers the most?
My SS and my BD who don't get to grow up knowing their sister.
In that order.
- mommadukes2015's blog
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Me neither. I'm sad and mad.
Me neither.
I'm sad and mad. Sadmad.
It's time for court. None of them deserve this. BM isn't even staying with SD6 all but few nights per week. She doesn't send her to school, get her off the bus, tuck her in every night-things that MATTER to a kid especially one that doesn't have the luxury of having them.
I worked on a psychiatric unit for children near NYC with 10-13 year olds. You wouldn't believe the number of kids that were never read a bedtime story. I didn't realize it until my last week there when one of the kids said something about it to me (I always read to them on my shifts before bed) how much kids do realize little things like that. So SD may not notice now, but it is heartbreaking when/if they do realize what should be commonplace.
She has no right to lecture him about consistency or priorities when clearly SD is not her top priority. I would need to be dead before I let my child or SS for that matter go to bed without me tucking them in and kissing them goodnight on a regular basis.
The long term ramifications of this garbage are really really bothering me especially because there is NO reason for this to happen. SO shouldn't have to find out second hand, haphazardly through BM's mother who mentioned it like he knew. She apparently sneered, rolled her eyes when he told her he had no idea and said it wasn't her place to get in between SO and BM's communication (funny-not mine either but up until blocked date that's exactly where BM was trying to put me).
I think it's time for a
I think it's time for a formal CO stipulating visitation etc....
I will never be able to live like this, one woman dictating my life and it's not me...
I agree with this. I mean, I
I agree with this. I mean, I am all for some amount of flexibility in almost all people's situations. I'm not a set in stone kind of person, BUT, what he and you and the child are dealing with is ridiculous! There needs to be some small amount of structure.
I would also stipulate that parents must inform the other parent of any visits to medical professionals in advance for non-emergencies and within a couple hours of an actual emergency situation.
I think it's time too. We
I think it's time too. We have tried to settle this amicably. SO has jumped through flaming hoops of fire to try to make this work only to be constantly bombarded by BM's nastiness.
When she speaks to me she is respectful and seemingly understanding. When I see the texts she sends SO which are ALWAYS about money it's down right disgusting. She then turns around and tries to complain to me about him not responding to her.
I've come to realize that not responding to her is probably the kindest most mature thing he can do. The money is always there-usually left with BM's mom who cares for their daughter.
It's also become apparent that she has no clue what goes on as SO has left money with BM's mother before and BM continues to blow his phone up-the same night the $ was left with BM's mother about "I haven't gotten any $ from you in 3 weeks" "I NEED $ SO" blah blah blah when for the last 3 weeks the money has been left with her mother. Like do ya'll just not speak to each other?
It's messed up.
seriously..... no CS no
seriously..... no CS no visitation? SO hands out money as BM demands and jumps when ever she demands... to keep the piece?
Oh hell no - he needs this going through court system and then stick with it... or it will be a very very long 17-18 years
At this point it's more BM's
At this point it's more BM's mother who is actually really understanding when it comes to stuff coming up with SO. BM's mom makes plans for SO to visit SD and then when BM finds out SHE calls and cancels them 85% of the time. The rest is because BM's mom got called into work or forgot about an obligation or something comes up in SO's world. BM is also the one who springs the last minute events on SO-generally it's a book fair or something that costs money that she doesn't want to be on the line for.
At this point I can usually count on him seeing her at least one night per week. If I have prior notice to this visit it's nice but not necessarily off putting if I don't know ahead of time. I know how important that time is for the both of them and have agreed to do whatever I can to make it work. Sometimes it's so last minute and unplanned that I can't facilitate it. SO is always understanding but it makes us both feel like poop when it happens.
BM's mom has actually asked SO to bring BD over to play with SD and has offered for me to come too. I have said that SS needs to go too because he asks all the time to see his little sister (SD6). BD is tiny and cute and fun but she won't remember if she went to visit SD6 right now, SS11 will remember if BD goes and he doesn't. So I told SO it's a package deal SS and BD must go at the same time because SS has spent most of his life playing 45th fiddle to everyone else. He's not a cutsy, funny 2 year old but he's just as important.
I on the other hand will introduce myself more regularly to the situation the same way I did with SS11 (I've met SD6 a few times, she's very sweet and funny). I'll let her come to me when she's ready and when she can visit at my house, I'm not about to force my presence on a 6 year old who is about to be thrown into a situation with other siblings when she's used to being like the only child. That's enough to deal with.
I just think BM is on some kind of power trip from hell or she's drinking again. Perhaps SO should text her she's a useless drunk and should just disappear like she has sent him OR not because he's not a hateful, vindictive prick who wants to see his daughter's mother fail. He's such a POS isn't he? *eyeroll*
I would also ensure that the
I would also ensure that the money starts getting done in a more formally tracked process. I know some people here talk about going through a govt agency for pmts.
In my DH's situation, we made deposits directly to BM's bank account and I maintained reciepts.
He shouldn't just be handing over cash because it becomes so untrackable.
Yes, he was actually supposed
Yes, he was actually supposed to talk to BM about doing this so I can auto put them in. Then she has no reason to ask him for money (I do finances in this house so it would make my life 100x easier).
OP can be glad she doesn't
OP can be glad she doesn't have a South African CO which isn't worth the paper it was printed on