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Spineless and Brats...

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So EX So decided to tell his kids I left "temporarily." Some temp thing because I took every single item I owned.

The oldest one said I should "text" her every now and then to say "hi." Are you freakin kidding me? She chose NOT to come over anymore over sharing a bedroom. And I DO text to check in on her and she only texts me back when she wants something or needs a ride. So WTF should I keep texting her every single day and why did my SO say "it goes both ways." They both can bite me.

Now lets get to the middle daughter. She "knows" she is disrespectful and she knows she lies, cheats and steals but she doesn't mean to do it to me? WTH kind of comment is that? It's not like she is 10 years old. Hell, my 10 year old doesn't do that crap and if she did, she sure as hell wouldn't use the excuse "I didn't mean to treat you like shit on purpose, I just do it." She admits she is a bully to my kids and it's because "I don't know why, it's just fun."

I am over this B.S. But yet when I asked about what they said he said "It didn't go to bad." WOW....I would really hate to see if it really went good.

He is spineless and is full of excuses...even though he is the first one to say "I know my freakin kids are devils." That is NOT the kind of man I want to be around and his children are not the kind I want around my kids.

I hope and the BM can find someone eventually that those little soon-to-be Reform School Girls don't run off.....Perhaps him and BM should get back together.