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I hate this feeling....

mom23ms's picture

I really hate myself for not liking BF's kids. But I don't know what these kids think. They steal from me, they lie, they are disresectful. I do more for them then their own mother. I do and give to them exactly as much as my own bio kids. It always bites me in the hinney. These girls claim to love me so much and they want me around but then they turn around and steal from me or lie. They have never been disciplined. They talk to their father horribly and then when they don't get their way or he tries to discipline them they say he is a horrible father and has never been there for them. Which BTW is a LIE.

Their own father and grandmother say they are spoiled brats but yet I am suppose to turn the other cheek and "try" with them.

They not only steal from me, but they steal from my bio kids. I'm at the point where I am going to have to put a lock on their doors.

When is enough enough?


ddakan's picture

Ew, that sounds awful! Like you can't relax in your own home. I'm sorry its that way. It's like, what did we do to deserve the evil these skids bring? All I can hope for is that my skids have skids someday and that BM chokes on fruitcake sometime very soon.