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mnlover2010's Blog

The weekends

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My DH and I work Monday thur Friday. DH gets his son which is 2 on Thursday and has him till Sunday at 11. We have a baby due in August. I would like to spend some time with my DH before the baby is due. I would love to spend the night somewhere it doesnt matter where anywhere. It could be 2 miles down the road. But asking for a day with just me and my DH is like pulling teeth. My DH sister has offered to have his son spend the night and other people have offered to watch him. BUt my DH wont let them watch the kid. Because he only has his son thursday to Sunday.

When Husband and his son moved in. How do I get over the hurt?

mnlover2010's picture

I met my DH in Feb. of 2009. I had my own place 3 bedroom 1 bathroom house. He stayed a couple of nights and would go back home to his families house since he just moved back from New York. In March of 2009 I met his son who just turned 2 in 2010. My Dh ad his son started staying with me in April. In my house, in the first bedroom I had it step up as a childs room, crib, bresser, changing table, extra bed. My DH took his son and stayed out on the living room floor. In May my lease was up and we moved to a 2 bedroom 2 bathroom apartment.

DH stepping up!

mnlover2010's picture

When I first met my DH he had a son who was 1 year old. DH moved from NY to FL in January and his son came down in Feb. with the BM. DH was supposed to step up a house and when BM moved down they would be together. When he moved down, BM told DH this isnt going to work. We cant be together. From then on DH has been doing everything he could to please BM. BM will allow her boyfriend to make hostile language when giving the child to my DH.He has now just taken her to court, for information she has not provided. BUt I still want to rip her head off.

BM wrote back to summons she recieved.

mnlover2010's picture

Well today my DH got papers in the mail from his ex girlfriend who they have a child together. The BM does not allow my DH to go to doctor appoinments and dental appointments yet she says she does. She says she only talks to him when it has to deal with the child, which is a lie, she will tell my DH that the child is in the hosptial in order to talk to him, when the child is clearly not in the hospital. She says she makes sure that there are no warsh spoken words in front of the child, which again is a lie. She and her boyfriend both give warsh words when it comes to visitation.

I can not stand my step son

mnlover2010's picture

I have my first baby due in August. I have a step son who was 2 in March. The father only has his son Thursdays to Sundays and the bio mother gets him the rest of the week. I am very excited about my baby coming in August. I want to act like its my first, and I try too. I feel I have the right to act that way. The father of my baby is still up his sons butt. On Wednesday nights before he gets his son, its like he turns into a 10 year old. He forgets things and just doesn't know how to do anything. I have to say that my realtionship with the father pretty much ends while he has his son.