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missnelson21's Blog


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So here we go again me and my ex just started back talking and I tell you I still care about him and whats even more funny is that he never told his family that we broke up. For those of you who do not know whats going on. I am 21 dating a guy who is 31 with 3 kids and 2 more that may notbe his and was debating on whether or not I should stay with him. Back into confusion I really miss him and our talks. I am trying to see other people but it seems like right now he is the only that is making the cut.

21 and a step mother

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I am 21 will be 22 soon. I am dating a man who is 31 and has three kids. I just found out there might be two more but their mom just told him they may not be his and will not let him see them any more. I do not have any kids and I'm not sure whether I should stay with him. I love him I do not have problems out of either baby mama and the kids are still warming up to me and the youngest one I love dearly he has really come around and gotten use to me. They have not disrespected me as of yet.