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Another birthday another disappointment.

MissK03's picture

Well not sure why I'm surprised. Friday was my birthday. I'm not really big on my birthday (it wasn't a new decade just 37 lol) but still.. it's your birthday. I worked.. SO put new speakers in my car on Thursday. 

Anyways.. I left early Friday morning for work (615am) so none of the skids "saw me" before I left. SS18 wasn't even home stayed at a college. 

Well... I just jumped to noon, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm. Not even a text message from any of them.

I got home at around 3:15pm. I wanted to go to the gym quick because I was getting a drink with a woman who is like a mom to me at 4:30 and had to be home by 6:15 when SO gets home for my birthday dinner. 

So I run in the house, let the dogs out quick, run upstairs, change to go gym.. (I completed this within 5 minutes tops) boys weren't home but SDstb16 was..... she was on the couch.....I didn't see her because of where she was sitting and I heard yell to  my lab (my lab gets pissed when we leave he growls, pounces and other stuff haha) when I was leaving so I realized she was downstairs.... nothing from her...

Come home from gym quick... get ready to go out. SD at this point is in her room... I'm home for 30/40 minutes she never comes out of her room to say happy birthday.

Now at this point I'm pissed. I said something to SO when he called me around 2pm saying oh no one has texted me yet.. his response "the planned on tonight." LOLLL SO no one has a f'n phone.... is what I said to him.

I get back from drink with said woman... waiting for SO to get home, I was outside with dogs... SS18 says happy birthday to me as he just got home. Thank you SS18. SS19 and SD nothing... I'm not in good terms with SS19 anyways but..

SO gets home.. yells to SD and SS19 to leave... SD has that F'n face on where you can see the drama forming...I think she can tell I was kind of annoyed anyways.

We go out to eat... SS18 bullshits with SO and I, SD sits there on her phone and in misery and SS19 talks to SO a little showing him shit on his phone. 

SSs drove themselves... I had to stop at the store on our way back quick... while I'm in the store SO ask SD why she didn't wish me a happy birthday... her response... "I ignored her." Not sure how I ignored someone he didn't even speak to me... SO said you should have texted her... she said I planned to say happy birthday when I saw her... okkkk.

I learned her response when we got home.. when I got back on the car though she spun it with drama with her friends because while I opened the door to sit down SO was saying "friends don't give people ultimatums." No idea what they were talking about didn't ask wasn't told.

Well... we get home.. SD stays in the car crying.. I am instant mega eye rolling... SO  goes to talk to her... then she's in the backyard crying to someone (could have been BM no f'n idea) SO goes to talk to her then...

I just like wtf... can't I just have a f'n day. That's not about SOMEONE ELSE!!! 

SO goes into depressed state... all f'n annoying. 

Yesterday rolls along... SO goes to give a kiss goodbye for work I brush him off and tell me no... I apologized later for that...

We rarely text but I sent him a text apologizing and that I was upset and hurt about yesterday etc.

He wrote me back like two sentences stating birthdays are normally disappointing... whatever. I talked to him later that day and but blame on him. I said I blame you AND BM. I said clearly BM didn't try to have these kids have any morals and you honestly didn't either.... I have sit here and watched. I always pressure them for SOs bday, xmas, Father's Day to try and get them to DO something! He has never had them do anything for me or really anyone else in their family. SD was normally OK. With this (her friends she always wants to splurge) but she's changing.. teen shit but becoming selfish too and making things about her... BMs DNA coming out... IMO. 

SO response with "I know I did a shitty job." Still in depressed state... 

Omg... for FFS... Not what I'm saying!!  I said basically that I just need to stop... I NEED to do more for me... I said to him I shouldn't even allow myself to get mad over this shit. He was just like "ok." 

I can't stand talking to him about anything of substance it's all frustrating. He just goes into depresssed mode most of the time.. eyyyyyeee rolllllll.... 

SD and SS19 never wished me a happy birthday and my birthday cake is still in the freezer. **thumbs up*

I haven't crossed paths with SD in the house since we got home Friday from dinner.



SteppedOut's picture

Reading all that was exhausting.

Every time you talk to your dh about anything of substance lands him into a poor me depressive big mood? Bleh. I know exactly how that crap goes. Turn it into a "your fault you shouldn't have said anything to him" walk on eggshells bs tirade. Been there, done that, said effff that shit. 

Seriously, it IS exhausting. Think he can grow the F up? Or are you just supposed to spin your wheels forever?


MissK03's picture

It WAS exhausting. He SEEs it but can't handle anything. That's his problem. He is 46 and I just don't understand why he can't process things. 

floralsm's picture

Happy Birthday! Sorry it was crappy reception from the skids and it hurt your night. They are very selfish for making it about themselves. I don't get how hard it is to say happy birthday??? Especially if you came home and SD sat there in silence. 
SS always gives me a hug and says happy birthday when we see them again, it usually falls on the week at BMs. They of course forget but DH reminds them. SD needs a bit more prompting. DH tried to organise a card last year because I got sick of the zero reception from the skids.. especially now I am their sisters mother. I think I deserve at least a 'happy birthday' when they see me. 
DH is so slack with making birthdays a big deal but it was nice to see the effort he made with them buying a card. SS wrote a nice message but SD wrote a sentence and didn't even finish it. She didn't sign her name either so it was a little strange but I was thankful for the effort DH did anyway. A card is more than enough for me from them. 
Maybe you and DH can do a dinner and movie by yourselves without the skids. It might be a bit more intimiate too. 

MissK03's picture

We will go out just the two of us. The whole day of just was ridiculous. Still annoyed TBH.

Rags's picture

Give rose

As for avoidance focused, kid coddling daddy... tell him to knock off his fake sad avoidance bull shit, find his balls, and man up.

Many wise Stalkers have repeatedly offered that "you can't care more than the parents do" as a key premise of SParenting.  That applies here. Stop remined the step spawn to recognize daddy's or anyone else's B-days. Let him realize the shit he has raised. 

I would add, DH needs to be dragged out of his crap by the short and curlies, have his nose repeately rubbed in the stench of failed parenting he has built, and be informed clearly that his focus is no longer on his failed family progeny and must now be on the marriage and on his mate.

His teen and adult children need to figure their own shit out.  The tear fest in the car and backyard was entirely designed to invade your birthday celebration and take daddy away from you.

Not something I would tolerate and for sure I would bare DH's ass and the SD-16's ass on it.




Patience2000's picture

After 40 years of being ignored on my bday and Christmas....guess what? I can play this game too. DH has to remember to send a check now (that's never acknowledged). If DH forgets, SS will remind him. You will get there...and although it stings a bit, and it's uncomfortable to not recognize gets easier.

ESMOD's picture

Happy Belated Birthday!!


I agree with Yesterday... people that are not interested in celebrating a birthday.. don't get to enjoy the fruits of it.  So.. that dinner?  all those dang kids could have stayed at home eating a pizza.. I blame your DH (and you for lettihng him invite them.. that's a boundary for you now!) them to come with you.. seriously..  I mean.. are they normal loving and caring kids that you have a close relationship with? NO??? They why did they have to come?

Your DH could have easily left them some money to order a pizza or something.. and taken  you out to a NICE and romantic dinner.. I have no clue why your DH thought this shoudl be a family event.. when clearly you all don't really operate as such?

Which is fine.. you don't need to have people that you don't feel close with wish you a HBD.. it's just a hollow text anyway.. Next time.. make him make plans for YOU.

MissK03's picture

Thank you!

I'm close with ss18 and SD... BUT they just weren't taught to be giving I guess.. I've tried to teach as much as I can. SD typically is better. 

SS18 is self centered in a non selfish way if that makes sense. He lives in his own bubble. SD is starting to get to me with certain stuff... it's pissing me off. 

For me it was more about principle. This is my 8th birthday with SO and it's not like I don't see these kids... they live with us 24/7 for years now. 

ESMOD's picture

I would have to say that my SD's are usually fairly good.. but my OSD is more likely to "forget".. probably only does say something if her dad reminds her.. I have known them for like 20 years at this point.. but people can be self absorbed..

I would just ask your SO that next year he treat just YOU and let his kids "off the hook" of having to go.. win win.

justmakingthebest's picture

Happy belated birthday!

I hate birthday's personally but I get where you are coming from. It takes 2 seconds to simply say "Happy Birthday" and if you can't even warrant that much consideration from kids/young adults that are in your life- what is the point? 

I wouldn't include them next year. I wouldn't do anything for them (well maybe SS18 since he put in like 10% effort) for their birthday's or Christmas. I wouldn't do anything for father's day- they are old enough to figure it out. I wouldn't do anything for them for Christmas either. Your DH can figure it out. Just allow yourself to remove that bit of stress and connection and let them feel the consequences. Relationships are reciprocal. Even with your bio parents- if you cut them out of your life and ignore them, they don't send you gifts and $$. It doesn't work that way. 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

2 things that would upset me the most would be having them present for your birthday dinner at all and SD's drama fit. As far as them not going out of their way to celebrate you - meh. Teens are self-centered and if they were not raised by their parents to do things like that, they won't. Without training, most teens won't do a damn thing that doesn't serve their interests. Time to think about launching these guys. 2 of them are 18 plus and the 16-year-old isn't too far from it. They should get their own lives and then they won't be a constant part of yours. 

MissK03's picture

Thanks for the wishes! Agree with everyone. I do A LOT for SDs birthday every year. Fill her room with x amount of balloons for what age she is turning, planned her bday parties, during Covid had one of those drive by ones (her 13th) etc. That's why her particular pissed me off. 

I just said to SO two days before my bday... I wanted to gift her a nice piece of jewelry for her 16th. LOLL. Not anymore. We are suppose to take her and few of her friends into NYC for the day and I will have to do that.. not a chance SO will do that alone. 

justmakingthebest's picture

Just remember, you ABSOLUTELY do NOT have to take her friends to NYC. If your DH won't/doesn't feel comfortable- too bad. BM can do it or it just doesn't happen. 

MissK03's picture

It's like with SS19. (Read recent prior blogs) I brought up to SO that he basically had no right to come out for my birthday because of how he treats me (this was after birthday disaster) BUT NEVER has consequences for his actions. 

His response... well I wouldn't have singled him out and wouldn't have any of the kids. THEN HOW THE F DO PEOPLE LEARN YOU CANT TREAT PEOPLE LIKE SHIT AND STILL BENEFIT FROM THEM??!! 

1st3rd5thWEInHell's picture

Why are you wasting your bday with these ppl?

None of the steps or my husband ever remember or do anything. Surprisingly, i have organised bday parties for them and reminded them to send texts. My husband claims its because he used to be in a cult and they never celebrated bdays and the steps only do things for their mothers. I dont even get a text


Every year, i travel for my bday or visit my family or take off and take myself out.

I would shudder to think that I have to spend these precious moments with ppl who hate me and dont care about me. Your SD literally made the entire evening about her and your husband has an attitude towards you and wants you to apologise? 


This is the definition of being matrixed out. Get in the real world, normally he would be in the dog house and doing everything he can to get back in your good graces and his daughter needs to take her ass to her mother since she wants to call her and cry on the eve of your bday



Winterglow's picture

IMO, your SO does his Eeyore number because it works, it gets you off his case. Same thing with skids who weep and throw tantrums - it gets them what they want. 

Try telling your SO how pitiful he is when he pulls the depressed stunt - then tell him that pitiful men don't get laid because they are too pathetic to be desirable ... Then walk away and let him think about it. 

MissK03's picture

I've done this before. I've told him it is unattractive when he acts like that and allows skids to be a particular way. 

Winterglow's picture

And how does he respond? Does he double down with " I know I am a failure"? If so, tell him to knock it off and to get his arse into gear rather than throwing his apron over his head and going into fetal rocking. Seriously, what a turn-off.