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BM's solution to gas money issues

misscinna's picture

Is it to get a job??? No friends.

It send her daughter from ONS who is 18 to come pick skids up! We just gave her more visitation and she spends it having someone else go get them. Sighhhh...

If you have no clue what this is in reference to or what is actually going on see previous super long blog.


bi's picture

my mom was really stingy about gas, too. and everything else for that matter. if i didn't find a ride somewhere, i couldn't go. if my friends parents weren't willing to pick me up and drop me off, i couldn't stay with them. i had to get my own rides to and from practices and games. she would lay in bed all day (no job) and do nothing, and was ok with my brother and i walking clear across town in the dead of winter to and from school in freezing temps while she laid in a warm bed and refused to take us or pick us up. some people are just disgusting.

bearcub25's picture

Yep that's our BM too.

The CO states that skids are encouraged to participate in Xcurrics and BM must provide transportation to all of them on her days. BM doesn't have gas money. Which meant either SO was driving back and forth all weekend or they just stayed home...then she could whine how much she missed them on FB and her stepdad is so mean for not taking the skids to their activities.

LemonGrassLove's picture

My SO's sister sells her plasma for money. She had a job but quit for no reason. She was also getting financial aid from school but quit that as well for no reason. Or was kicked off because she was failing school, which ever story we hear depends on what mood she's in.

spunkiedolittle's picture

my x is (finally) paying cs yet i still don't have gas $$ to do half the traveling, and i wont without an order (since he didn't pay cs without an order).........gas IS getting expensive, if other daughter is an adult, and SHE is ok with it-if it's bm's responsiblity for transportation on her time then what does it matter WHO she is sending??? legally it doesn't matter as long as SHE has a plan..

sorry but i don't see the issue here.

misscinna's picture

Well since you know absolutely nothing about my situation and haven't taken the time to read my blogs I will tell you. She has cried and moaned and whined to the skids that we are horrible and unfair because she doesn't get more visitation with them. How she is DYING to see them and how daddy wants to keep them away from her. She is ABLE to get a job - she chooses not to. She owes us over 13,000 in back child support and has contributed exactly one pair of shoes to them in the last 3 years. She feels it is everyone else' responsibility to take care of her and if it is inconvenient to her or to her bf it is okay because "Someone else will do it". She tells SO that I am not "allowed" to take them places and do things with them because I'm not their mother. Same goes for my mom or anyone else around me but somehow it is okay for her to send someone else who isn't their mother to get them. Double standard. She feeds the kids bullshit and lies about how we keep her away from them yet she lives 25 minutes away and won't go get them. Did I mention that her older adult child LIVES with her? So she, in actuality, could take the vehicle - considering it is in fact registered to HER (BM) and pick them up herself. OR she could get in the car WITH adult child and come get them. But lets not do that. Its better if she sits at home while other people do it for her so that she can cry some more about not seeing her kids enough all the while letting the opportunity pass her by... I'll tell you what the issue is. The issue is that she tells the skids that she can't attend their events because she doesn't have gas money, she won't be able to ever again visit them when we move to another state because she doesn't have gas money and that it isn't fair that daddy won't give her money to see them. Never mind the CS order. Never mind that she has been unemployed for 3 years by her own choice. Never mind her excuse for not getting a job is that "my boyfriend won't let me". Its about gas money. Never mind that my 10 year old SD believes that all of life's events are determined by the amount of money it costs to get there. She actually told me that she was worried that we wouldn't have enough gas to be able to have her birthday party where she wanted. Seriously? It has to be about someone else. So you're right. No issue here. Gas money for all!!!! Line up.