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Now BM is making accusations at me

missangie1978's picture

She states that she won't give us her address because everytime she does that I tell her domestically violent husband (who she's moved from and hasn't divorced yet).

Why is it that she blames me for this instead of DH? Not that either one of us gave her crazy husband her address but it just seems weird that I get blamed for everything. If DH sends her a letter she says that I wrote it, if she can't get hold of SS than she blames me for it.

What the heck is her problem?

I knew BM would start something again - now she won't give us her new address

missangie1978's picture

The problem with this is that DH won't send SS down for visitation every other weekend to BM without an address.

BM states she doesn't have to give us an address and will hold us in contempt but we were told we don't have to send SS down without knowing where he is staying.

BM is starting this crap again because I'm pregnant and her employer just got a letter telling them to garnish her wages for child support.

I'm so annoyed I really need those weekends without SS he's driving me even more crazy since I got pregnant!

I'm pregnant!

missangie1978's picture

I can't believe it! The pregnancy test at home said negative but I was feeling bloated, and yucky and had skipped my period in Dec so I went in to see the dr thinking I was coming down with something. I can't beleive it!

Is this ok for DH to request of BM?

missangie1978's picture

Please note that I will no longer be accepting your phone calls or replying to your text messages unless it is an emergency situation in regards to Jacob, such as if he is hurt or sick or if for some reason you can’t meet me for drop-offs or pick-ups. If you have anything else that you need to discuss with me please do so in writing or via email as I will not be responding to anything that is not an emergency via phone or text message but only in writing or email.

Hilarious happenings

missangie1978's picture

We took SS to his school class program last night and BM was there. NO big deal we just avoided her. Well the kids where each asked who was most important to them and why and ss said, my dad and my stepmom Angie and the reason he gave for me was. Because she takes care of me and does fun stuff for me and goes to all my games and cheers the loudest. She tucks me in and night and is alway nice to me and makes sure all my homework is done right. She's a good mom. He also gave me a stain glass window picture they made in class.

Advice please - is there a way to get CPS to come out and check out our home?

missangie1978's picture

Seems that BM is going to try and go for full custody. She got 3 other kids besides my SS with different fathers and she's living in a state housing program and the state is paying for their daycare etc... and she's got a min paying job. What the hell is she thinking. Before we got SS he was just starting 2nd grade and couldn't even read or do just basic addition and was one angry boy.

I just want DH and SS to LEAVE

missangie1978's picture

I'm just so sick of it all, all the baggage that DH brought into our marriage, SS and his problems, Bm and her crazy ways. If I could just go back I would have never gotten myself into this situation.

Last night DH and I had a big blow out and he told me that I never support him or help him. I started listing all the times I've supported him or helped him, including paying for the lawyer in order to get full custody of SS (biggest mistake I ever made) and after my LONG list I ask him to just name 1 time he's done something for me. Do you know what his answer was?

I'm ready to kill BM

missangie1978's picture

Seems BM is now spouting to everyone that she thinks will listen that she hopes that when i get pregnant that we lose the baby because it wouldn't be fair to SS to have to share his father or not have access to all the finances. I was PISSED!

Does anyone else have food issues with their stepchildren?

missangie1978's picture

SS is driving me nuts! He's 10 now so we don't send him to daycare, school ends at 3 so he's home by 3:30 and DH is home no later than 5 everynight.

I leave SS a snack for after school and than cook dinner when I get home. Well lately he's been eating us out of house and home. Just Thursday alone he ate the following in the 1 and 1/2 hours he was alone at home.
