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mindex's Blog


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I feel that marrying DH was a HUGE mistake on my part and am considering separating.
I was married before for 12 years, divorced, and raised my kids by myself.
They are grown ups now with their own families.
Maybe I stayed alone too long, or maybe I didnt think this whole "re marraige" through,
but I feel like I am just being used for a second paycheck and a weekend maid.
Im tapped.
Emotionally and physically.


mindex's picture

So, Thanksgiving is just around the corner and we do not have set plans yet due to the "if" of BM being in town or not. She moved out of state to be with the most recent guy in her life, leaving her 20 year old and 16 year old daughters in the dust with me and DH.

Ready to SCREAM !

mindex's picture

We have a new situation :
BM and SD 19 had applied for, and somehow got, an apartment together. They were to move in tomorrow, Oct. 1st.
( Of course no deposit was made, or papers signed yet)
BM "stopped by" last Sunday and took the SD's out for awhile, only to let them know she was moving THE NEXT DAY to Pittsburgh with her "new love". She then instructed them not to tell ANYONE, especially Grandparents and DH and me !
We sensed something was wrong when BM brought them home and both were crying. They immediatly told us everything, because they were very upset.


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SD's 15 and 19 both have huge school projects, one being a very complicated Mardi Gras Kings Cake, the other being a Shakesperian Sonnet Memorization, and my DH is working nights all this week, which leaves ME with these projects and I am NOT getting roped into helping them. DH totally understands, he does not expect me to just jump in and be super stepmom, but BM and both SD's DO !!!!!!! DH and I have only been married a year. BM gave up custody a few weeks before our wedding and ran off with a guy she met at a bar. I feel imposed upon in the worst way, every day, not just now.

Am I rotten ? I FEEL rotten !

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I FEEL rotten, because I feel like I SHOULD feel sorry for my SD's 15 & 19, but I don't! I have zero compassion for them. Their BM is a toothless, drugged out, ignorant, mess who refuses to work but chooses, rather, to shack up with whatever guy will tolerate her or feel sorry for her. DH and I just married in Jan. 2010 and she could not sign over custody fast enough after the wedding.