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Michelle23's Blog

See what I mean about making himself the good guy?

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I just just got home from work and read what my fiance wrote. Let me clarify a few things on his story.

1. When he "paid for me to stay in his apt." it was for 3 months. And the rent was split 3 ways so you can imagine how small that was.

2. I can handle a baby and I do have the patience. I would develop the patience, that's what first time moms do. BUT... I can't handle having a baby and working a full time job.

A New Baby!!!

Michelle23's picture

So I just found out I'm pregnant! 6 weeks and 4 days. I am so excited! However, I'm not really sure how this is supposed to work. I can't wait give my FSS a little brother or sister, but I want the BM to stay out of my child's life.

My FSS is going to be such a wonderful big brother! He only 2 and already showing signs of being a good helper and caretaker. Good big brother material... I'm so lucky to have him in my life! Smile

Here it goes...

Michelle23's picture

This is my first time doing this... my first time blogging, and my first time being in this situation. I am 23 years old. I grew up believing in fairy-tales and romance. My parents are still together, so are my grandparents who act as my second parents. I have 2 wonderful little sisters whom I would anything for. One is 20 and the other is 15. Needless to say, I have an extremely close family.