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mamabear3's picture

So I called SS PCP yesterday to see what we needed to do about getting all his medical records.  I explained that DH had won custody on Wed and we are trying to get everything together.  I am thinking the doctor office really didn't like BM.  They were all excited that DH had won custody and all the progress we were making with him.  They made the comment "all he needed was someone to take an interest in him".  

Anyways I found out that she never took him for his last checkup so now his checkups are going to be thrown off.  He's behind on his shots so joy joy.  

Now in addition to getting him into school as quick as possible, we are going to have to get with the doctor who will be his new PCP and figure out a game plan.


ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Best of luck! I took SD5 for her shots today... That was fun...

Congrats on winning custody! It sounds like your SS is in MUCH better hands now!