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Just a negative rant...feel free to skip right on past this

mama_althea's picture

Vent starts here as thinly veiled rant letter to SO:

You know how when we talk about the problems I have with your daughter and you say I just don’t like her and I say I like her but I don’t like some of her behaviors or the way you parent her (or actually don’t parent her)? Well, eventually it came true. I don’t like her. Not even a little bit. I can’t find one endearing thing about her. While it’s nice you taught her to say “thank you”, she does not have one single other good manner. She is rude and disrespectful. Half of her manipulations you are not aware of and feed right into them. Instead of setting her straight on those manipulations that you do see, you avoid answering her or divert her attention so that you don’t have to actually address the issue. You have created a selfish, demanding monster. You say you can’t undo what her mother does in the 2 days per week you see her. Guess what, you can and do have an influence on your child. Try using it. You might be surprised. Any micron of conscience or civility you impart on this child would have to be an improvement. Also, I strongly suspect, and I think you would have to agree, it’s not like her mother is doing a whole lot of active parenting that you would have to “undo”, so the little bit of parenting you could do would be the majority of the parenting she actually receives.

I guess you think I sound like a broken record sometimes telling you about the things your daughter does. It’s not like I harp on this constantly, but sometimes I feel this need to point them out to you as proof, because you act like this is all in my imagination. Or that I should just “man up” and ignore the problems. What, like you do? Sorry, I can’t. Not when she is doing things directly to me and my son. I actually can see where you might find it implausible that a small child would be that devious, but I swear she is. Given her mother’s DNA, this should not be such a surprise to you.

And as long as I’m on a roll here, I might as well add that she is mean, even to animals, and negative. For a 7-year-old, she sure vocally hates a lot of people and things. She is also dirty and has disgusting eating habits. I’m not even sure you like her that much. You certainly manage to bury yourself in projects while she is here, deluding yourself that she is being your little helper, but mostly she wanders around and whines or hangs around with my son. I would just avoid her, but I can’t and won’t just leave my home on the weekends like I used to.

Thank you for admitting that I am nice to her and treat her well, but for God’s sake quit saying I’m being too sensitive or to just get over it. This is not something that can just be swept under the rug for the next 11+ years. Quit with the weak defenses (it’s her mother’s fault, I’m too sensitive, she doesn’t know me well enough even though I’ve known her for 5 years, she doesn’t know any better, etc) and just own up to the fact that she is what she is. Occasionally you’ll let slip that you know it, but please just acknowledge this so that we can do something about it. Or at least acknowledge this so that we can stop being at odds with each other.

Vent over.

But that did channel the thoughts swirling through my brain into those last few sentences to where I think I know what I need. If you bothered to read this, do you guys feel that an acknowledgement on the part of the bio-dad is helpful or just wicked SM trying to get her way?


CalgonTakeMeAway's picture

Personally, I feel an acknowledgement is very helpful. It lets you know he is seeing reality and not the inside of his colon. It assures you that you are not crazy or hysterical or over-sensitive or whatever else they say. I don't believe in burying your head in the sand and hoping things go away. Admitting is always the first step...

B22S22's picture

having your intuition/feelings/suspicious acknowledged would be a great step. However, speaking from experience, if your DH acknowledges your feelings, that means he has to, in his own mind, be willing to admit these things are going on. I think that's the hang-up with most Dads -- and what puts us as stepmoms in a bad spot. I heartily agree with your statement about "weak defenses" - as I've heard that too. Blah blah blah. I think for DH it's just easier to NOT parent for that 24 hrs a week they're here and blame everything on BM. But he has a lot to do with their behaviors also.

It's been 5+ years of blended family stuff for me, and only now is my DH admitting the fact that his kids are less than angelic (they're basically rude to everyone, so I guess I shouldn't feel "special"). He's willing to admit they've been missing some rules/accountabilities although I have to wonder now if it's too late for some of that.

The little karma train the bioparents have been putting together all these years is now steaming down the tracks and coming around the bend. I just don't know if they'll be able to get out of the way in time.

Sweetnothings's picture

I can identify with so much you have written, in your "letter", in fact I could have penned it myself about 10 years ago about Sd21.......

By parenting or not parenting your DH is in for a big shock....
My DH was the same, guilty Dad, wanted the weekends to be fun and special, etc,etc. Blamed BM for her parenting skills( dire) and non interest in even a basic education (she didn't believe it to be important?)

Fast forward to the RESULTS now .....Sd21 is a Mythomaniac and a Hypochondriac,and has no interest in DH now, hardly even emails him now...and how EASY is that? DH's money is still really interesting though, funny that, eh ?

Younger Skid, has just failed important exams, NOW BM must be panicking.....she is desperate to keep Skid in fulltime education, or her generous CS will STOP ! ( we only have another 10 months or so left anyway ....)

I cannot count the times I have thought, I told you so, about what has happened to the Skids, not gloating about it, but just so aware about the way it was heading......