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I've even surprised myself with how much I just don't care anymore.

mama_althea's picture

I'm not even sure why I logged in here, because I don't even really have a problem right now and I certainly don't feel like I have anything constructive for other members. I guess it's just a habit.

Anyway, I just don't care anymore. I don't care what SD looks like or says or does. I slipped a couple weekends ago and bitched at SO for letting her ride the ATV with her shoes half off her feet. I then realized if he can't be a decent enough parent to make sure her feet don't get chopped off, what can I possibly do? I can't change him. So other than that, I have been disengaged even further than I imagined disengagement to be. I am polite to SD, but pretty much my interactions are limited to "Oooohhh...that's nice".

He has SD every weekend. I have left the house, I believe, the last 7 weekends, and even a couple other weekends during the summer before this streak. As in gone Friday after work and back late afternoon on Sunday. Of course it helps that I've been doing something I love to do that can pretty much only be done this time of year (horseback riding/camping). Two years ago I found myself leaving the house on weekends out of self-preservation, but that just made me resentful or sad. Now that I guess I'm sick of trying, I find it liberating. SO can just fester in the mess he made and watch me go out and do whatever the hell I want. He can just sit around and wonder what is happening, since he seems so bewildered. Had he been listening to me for the past couple years, he would know. It's not just SD. It's how clueless and unhelpful he's been to our relationship. And now that I'm not working on our relationship, it's pretty much non-existent. Today, I don't even care.

Further back in my blog, I wrote what I thought was pretty much the Universal Story of the stages most of StepTalk goes through. Well here's a new one: Jaded disinterest.

Oh wait...EXCEPT I almost went crazy and got in the car and drove home this past weekend when I found out SD brought BM's unvaccinated, not de-wormed puppy over to our house. I have puppies and an immune-compromised older dog at home. I do not want this puppy, which is a breed prone to parvovirus and comes from an area rampant with parvovirus, anywhere near my dogs (I'm not being an alarmist- I work with this for a living and know it to be true). Not to mention I don't want BM's puppy at my house. Not to mention BM treats animals as if they are disposable, so I hope SD doesn't get too attached to it because they don't usually keep dogs more than a couple months. Not to mention BM can so not afford to have a puppy that she called me (bothering me at work, mind you) to ask if I had a leash she could use because she didn't have money to buy one, and evidently she is not clever enough to fashion one out of some household item, like...oh, say...a piece of rope. AND not to mention SO wasn't going to say anything to me about DS mentioned casually in a text that the puppy was there, which is the only way I knew about it. SO's deer-in-the-headlights-I-am-so-busted expression was mildly amusing when I asked him to please not let BM's puppy come over. I may be disengaged, but he better not dare jeopardize the health of our pets.


TASHA1983's picture

Wow!!! I am so jealous...I wish I had something to do or somewhere to go for that long period of time when BF has skid EOWE lol. Good for you for standing your ground and disengaging! Your story has really inspired me!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

mama_althea's picture

Oh wait, then this came out sounding wrong Biggrin

I didn't get this way on purpose or by standing my ground. It was more of a helpless throwing my hands up in the air.

I do remember reading other SMs on this site who were disengaged to this point and didn't think it was for me. For one thing, it felt like SO and SD would be "winning". I'm a person who, when I'm right, cannot stand to not prove I'm right. It's really hard for me to let go of that. So part of what really surprises me is that I just don't care about being right anymore.

RedWingsFan's picture

Damn - BM doesn't need to ever own dogs and I'm jealous you get to go horseback riding. I would LOVE to have a horse! Or just the ability to ride once a month!

kathc's picture

Disengaged does not have to equal silent. I would have flipped if BM's un-cared for animals showed up at my house to infect mine!

TASHA1983's picture

Exactly! Disengaging just means you let Disney Dad have to deal with his bratty spawns ALL BY HIMSELF!!! You can most definitely speak your mind if and when something directly affects you or your house...Period!!!

HadEnoughx5's picture

I'm in the early stages of disengaging. I tried it before and found I was angry and had resentment. Now, I'm realizing it is different this time. It's not about being right or getting my point across but I am realizing that these are his skids and that he owns that responsibility, not me. I'm letting go and not getting upset anymore. I think that equals not caring anymore. It has no more value to me. KWIM?

mama_althea's picture

I do know exactly what you mean. Disengagement feels so much different now, and different than a lot of the posts on this site.

I think for me disengagement used to have an end goal- that things would get better. Now there is no end goal. It

Oh, by the way...when I first posted, I had to stop and think really hard to come up with how many weekends I'd been gone, and even then I wasn't sure. Last night SO asked me if I was going away again this weekend, and when I said no, he replied, "Really? You've been gone the last 7 weekends". Evidently he is perfectly aware of how much I've been gone. Might be affecting him more than I thought }:)