ahhh the end of the summer
I dread the end of the summer. My kids (stepkids) leave to their biological mothers every summer. I hate this time because we spend the year getting great habits and into the swing of things. Of course when they come back they are filthy monsters. She really has never cared about them but is the type of woman that thinks that motherhood is just having a baby and being called mom. The work that is involved falls on my sholders. First off my 6 year old shouldn't even go to his biomoms because he barely knows her and its the worst on him because he feels neglected and then he just gets used to feeling that way and when he is home its like he is zombie. I hate this and DH finaly said that we are going to go to court to get full custody of the children, Or at least my son only going to his biomoms for tops of two weeks. See My daughter can go to her Biomom and not get all messed up like her brother. See, her bio mom treats her like a person and like her brother doesn't exsist. I guess I am not like some step moms where I am in this awkward phase all the time. I am these kids' mother for the most part. However, every time Biomom decideds that maybe that day she would care, what I have been trying to do for the past 4 years gets squashed in a span of about 3 days. I don't know if anyone else has this kind of problem. I love my skids. I love them and call them mine. THis is the time of the year that its the hardest for me because for a little while instead of mom I am step witch or how ever you would want to say it. I need to vent my DH gets super set off when I start to vent. He is like a time bomb with this woman its only a matter of time before he explods. Well, He kinda did this time. He wants a lawyer next year. I am all for it! Is it wrong to want to take my kids away from her. They really are suffering with the current custodial arangments with her. i don't really make it sounds as bad as it really is. She has a Felon for a boyfriend, and he is abuse and a drunk. Its a very difficult situation for me.
My heart is just sinking and I hope that I can get back to float again when school starts. These kids are my life. I gave up a lot for them and the love lof their father. I don't want to see them suffer anymore.
Anyways I am sorry for the rant session It has been over a month since I have been to the site. sorry not my fault no computer! well thank you and ttfn.
- Mally's blog
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I get that Your being too
I get that Your being too harsh talk but they are in my home too we need a comprimise. he thinks oh yeah its ok if they have these behaivor problems they'll let it go if you just leave them alone. SORRy its so doesn't work that way. he is freaking 6 years old he needs guidance. sounds to me like Girhippo really needs to take a good look at herself. of course you knew that.
This is the first summer and
This is the first summer and the first time in his entire life that SS9 has spent 2 weeks straight at a time with BM. First time that FH and BM have split summer. I know there will be ALOT to undo once he comes back for school and I do dread it. Plus, since he now goes to BM's EOW, we constantly have to undo stuff whenever he comes home. There's no talking to BM about overindulging, spoiling etc. and the last time FH attempted that, he got the "How dare you tell me how to raise my kid" email. So, I guess that's our lot in life, to constantly have to do damage control because the other parent just doesn't get it. It is truly EXHAUSTING and sometimes I DO want to just give up and let BM and FH deal with SS9's issues. BUT...since I have DD10, I can't just disengage because the guilt parenting on BM's part seeps into our household everytime SS9 returns with yet another shiny new UNEARNED gadget or tales of some glorious theme park /beach weekend stint.
I wouldn't mind if she
I wouldn't mind if she spoiled but she actually ignores him and he is the kind of kid that needs consistancy and attention. he got ignored and put in front of a video game to shut him up. so he is really anti- social and he doesn't want to listen to what we say. He needs work and follow through. er.... hugggggggge amount of frustration rises up everytime I get on this subject me and DH argued so many times about this its rediculous. We are getting a lawyer though This screws with their heads too much.