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Mad Hatter's Blog

Ss acting out

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I know I'm about to state the obvious and preach to the choir both at the same time, but I'm going to say it anyway. Having a blended family & trying to raise step children is hard, especially the older they get. Bm up and decided to move & enrolled ss12 & sd6 into a new school district & didn't bother to tell dh & I until AFTER the fact. Since then we have taken her to court & the children were ordered back to their original school district & her intent to relocate was denied by the judge.

Can I just say...

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Can I just say it's extremely frustrating taking the high road sometimes. I promised myself when I divorced my ex-husband that I would not say anything bad about him to our son or in his presence. Since I have been dating a wonderful man who has shared custody of his two children I have extended this promise to his kids regarding their bm. I believe that as the kids get older they will find out the true nature of the people in their lives all by themselves. Badmouthing them on my part will only hurt the kids and my relationship with them.