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lyndee's Blog

hate ppl

lyndee's picture

im starting to hate my hd i already hate my 17 yo ss his hd now seems to side with him on bs when he ss calls me a b---- 1 more time it will not b good. yes hd does say something to him about that but whoopie.its like it dont matter what i say or think. any suggestions i am considering leaving and leaving it all to hd to deal with.

i dislike my stepson

lyndee's picture

17 y/o is rude & disrespectful to me & his 1/2 sibilings. more me than them. ive tried the ignore thing but its hard. ive heard him call me a b**** & say i wish she was dead more than once. his dh does handle things pretty good but when he isnt around( works alot a supervisor )i dont want to call him all the time. he ss yells at me when i ask his lazy ass to get up & help around the house with me & my 2 other ss . i wont do his laundry cause he throws it in the bottom of his closet.

i dislike my stepson

lyndee's picture

i have a 17 yr old stepson he is very disrespectful to me i really cant stand it. he is rude to adults lies all the time.he cause things between his dad & i.he is jealous of his siblings tries to hit on them & get them in trouble when he is in trouble.he dont talk to his bio mom says he dont like her.(she is probably glad he is gone) his dad knows all this & still takes up for him sometimes but also punish him when he thinks its needed & yells at me in front of husband is disrespectful to me as well.any suggestions? thanks, ready to leave