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lycansmom's Blog

And again and again.

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So here we go. Myself and the BF have sat down and talked 3 to 4 times about rules for the SD. We agree on them and not two days later they get thrown out the window by him. There are no rules in this house. Yesterday i walked out with our youngest. I came back the next night to talk. He said he understood why I was upset and that he was too lazy and that if I would give him a clean start he would do better.The rules are simple nothing hard. If he doesnt stick too them this time I cant stay here in this house. I am on the verge of walking away and never looking back.

Here we go!!!

lycansmom's picture

So the 14 year old SD has been living with us for two months, now please tell me if I am wrong but first let me explain. She has no chores except to clean her room and she never does it, but yet my husband gives her her allowance every Friday anyways. On top of that the rule is she can spend the night or have one friend spend the night one time a school week as a way to get her adjusted to staying home alone in the am since both me and my husband work.

Thinking of leaving

lycansmom's picture

I am new to this but i need somewhere to vent. So here goes. I am into a new marriage, but we have been together for five years. Along with the marriage has come two SD's age 12 and 14. I also have a 5 year old son. Two months ago the 14 year old came to live with us, in the start it was ok until she started pulling the everytime she doesn't get her way she wants to go back and live with her mom. So my husband gives in and she gets her way. I am at my breaking point. Also the birth mother and her family are not helping. All they do is bad mouth me and my son and husband.