Hellweek nearly over..... it's been crap. Literally.
Got up this morning, went to use the downstairs loo (we have three - one upstairs, one downstairs and one in our en suite) because OH was still asleep in our room and all the kids were upstairs.
No-one really uses the downstairs one - guests or if the others are in use.
SD used it last night right before bed. I was in there yesterday and all was "normal" LOL
So... I go in there this morning and there is pooh smeared on the wall - 3 stripes of it.
No-one has been in there since SD and I was the last one in there before SD. Disgusting little human. And when I say little I don't mean it - she "should" be a young lady at this point. She will be 14 next week FFS - who the fuck does that?
I have read of it here, and thought - well that's one issue I don't have at least!!!!! FML
No point saying anything I have found - OH would just make excuses say it wasn't her etc. So I cleaned it up.
On other matters - she came home Saturday with her friend and saw her clean door. Cried to OH about how much that stuff meant to her.... yeah, some free supermarket stickers and some miss-spelt words (see previous blog) Her and SS refused to speak to me for the rest of the day. What ever. Bit awkward because all the kids had friends sleeping over that night. Her and her friend stayed in her room the entire time. SD sleeps in.... late..... like 1pm today. Apparently the friend called her dad at 10am and asked him to come and get her. He called OH and told OH she was upset and wanted picking up immediately. My kids and their friends were both up already.... So, the dad came and the friend left. Oh well. I am sure sitting in SD's room pigging out on contraband junk food was a barrel of laughs for her, while all the other kids played games and made videos on the ipad...
BM sent her over with a lockable case this visit. So that I can't take her food and she can pig out all she likes in her room. Classy BM. Just what your obese daughter needs - you enabling her.
Oh - OH freaked out about the door - I should have discussed it with him apparently. LMAO - like he did with me when he allowed it perhaps? I pointed this out to him. Also that I do not make changes to our home without discussing them with him first and that hell yes he should have told SD that he and I would discuss it and get back to her -
1. shows her to respect her partner enough not to make unilateral decisions in the future.
2. shows her that OH respects ME.
3. she learns that compromise wins out.
I said he couldn't really complain about me cleaning it because I kept my calm on Wednesday when I saw it, although I was angry I did not yell and scream - I told him I was not happy about it, I do not allow stickers on walls/doors and furniture and that I would be removing it - and that is exactly what I did. I also told him that he cannot expect me to converse and compromise with him when he is unwilling to do exactly that - if he can make unilateral decisions about our home so can I surely?
I also told him that IF he had discussed it with me he would know about my sticker rule - he cannot surely expect me to allow his kid who hates me to do things that my own kids are not allowed to do? I will not kowtow to her just to keep her happy at my own kids expense. IF he had discussed it with me I would have said the pen was ok INSIDE the door or on the wardrobe doors, and if she wanted the stickers to get a piece of plywood and paint it up pretty to hang in her room that she could decorate however she liked. There were all sorts of compromises to be had. But he chose not to.
So, things were icy for a few days.
She left her bag open and I saw the piles of junk food, am ignoring them. If her mum wants her to be a fat, sick pig so be it, if her dad is too scared of upsetting his widdle baby girl to deal with her gorging out - so be it. Not my kid not my problem, and least now she is removing her rubbish and crap.
They got here Friday night. By Monday BM requested to have them back for most of the day to spend some time with her as she "missed them" - just when things were thawing and SD was starting to act like a human being again, playing with the other kids etc. So, back to icy again.
But we stayed up and played games that night, so she thawed a bit quicker. Then last night. At 10.40pm BM decides to text OH and tell him to get SD to call her. SD and DD were playing upstairs quite happily at this point, then she has to go phone her mother, and we are right back to icy again.
Fuck I hate them all at this point. So today OH has been hanging out upstairs with the steps, they refuse to come down even to eat. Fuck the lot of them
DD8 has tonsillitis. It is cold and wet and miserable and we have no money. FUN holiday times.
Only two more days to get through and the little nightmares will be back with BM til Weds. Then next Sunday, Then the following two weekends in full. And whenever she can wrangle it.
And OH sees NO problems. BM can call at 10.40 on HIS phone and that's just fine, she just wanted to talk to her daughter....
Fuck them all again.
- luchay's blog
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What is it with BM's thinking
What is it with BM's thinking they can send just anything they want into OUR homes? A locked case? Really? I think I'd take the whole damn case and give it back to her when she leaves for BM's. My SD12 has been bringing home toothpaste, shaving cream, and shit. Seriously SD12? It's not like we don't keep plenty of the stuff and we have the SAME brands. She's probably lying to her mother for sympathy, saying we don't have basic toiletries. Good lord, just anything to make drama.
We are also in the middle of hell week. SD12 goes to her mom's next week beginning Friday at 5PM. I am counting the hours:)
She will deny it for sure,
She will deny it for sure, and he will believe her because she NEVER lies. Even when caught out many many times he can still be an ostrich and pretend like it never happened.
So then he will say "well you weren't THERE - you don't KNOW who did it, it could have been any of them."
So while *I* know, I am 100% certain in fact, because we both saw her go in the night before (has to walk through the lounge where we were sitting to get to the loo) AND - she left both the toilet door and the laundry door open so the smell drifted through the house - I complained about the smell and closed the doors (she'd gone back upstairs) And I was the first on up next morning.
So - circumstantial evidence sure, but I damn well know she did it.
And yes to the locked case. Who knows what she had in it once she empties the junk food out. But precious poopypants wouldn't steal.... except she does and we have caught her at it....
Am working out other ways to deal - because the ostrich is not capable at this point.