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But i don't know when it is due

ltman's picture

Due to sgs21 being on academic probation, I been a little more interested in his classes than before. So I asked him about a 6 page essay I know is due. I even know when it is due and I know he hasn't started it. I'm psychic that way.

He told me he didn't know the due date. So I told him. He asked how I knew. Read the syllabus. He admitted he never did that. Facepalm.

Then he asked how I got on the college website since the main page was down. Told him I was just that good, then explained how if you google a site that has multiple sections sometimes you can backdoor thru the sections if the main page is not responding. His response, I never thought of that. Facepalm.

So I printed out the syllabus and taped it to his door. I don't want a permanent hand print on my forehead.


Indigo's picture

Brilliant. You are my hero. I love it when "old school me" is able to astonish my BS and SGD with common sense. Ha!