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OMG What are they thinking....


Hi there fellow steppers

Just letting off steam – thank you for listening……

My partners daughter 16 ½ (17 in 4 months) has control / entitlement / attachment issues re my SO (I have posted a lot!!!)

Anyhow – she has an ‘alleged’ eating disorder that started last May when my partner and I decided to sell our houses and buy one together – this is not happening now as his daughter moved in with him last June and that put an end to us living together – we have been together almost 11 years. (sigh…….)

Help and advice would be appreciated


Hello - please be kind i am new here. I have read posts and i am so relieved that i am not the nasty person i thought i was, and my feelings are quite 'normal'.
My History: I have been in a relationship with my partner for over 10 years - my partner and i went out together when we were 18 & 21 respectively for 2 years -this relationship broke down because i had a daughter (yes a very young mum!!!!) he couldn't cope with this and was very honest with me which i respected.