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looloo81's Blog

enjoying the break

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My house has been peaceful and less stinky this last week. SD16 has been at her BM's for a week.

I've even managed to clean a little of the blackened (formally cream) carpet and remove a bit of the wet dog and dirty bottom smell from her room.

I've enjoyed this time so much I'm dreading her return tomorrow. I hate feeling this way about a kid. usually I'm full of love and compassion, but she brings out frustration and exhaustion. I'm so burnt out.

I'm a selfish bitch, or so they say

looloo81's picture

So it's a week past my laparoscopy that revealed I'll never have children naturally. it really hurts, not physically.

I got my first mass "you knew he had kids" talk. 5 older ladies telling me I was selfish. that I was stupid. that I make them fear for their kids if anything should happen to them.

yes I did know he had kids. 5 of them. did I imagine 16 year old sd would be kicked out by her mum and lumped into my lap? Not for a second.