Lnleach25's Blog
Ok so I just need to know if I'm being overly sensitive, if I'm just dealing with a typical teenager, or if she's just basically an asshole. To me. Again. So, I made dinner the other night, steak tacos for Cinco de Mayo, trying to make it festive and fun. My husband called my 16 year old stepdaughter out of her lair of a room that she never comes out of really to say dinner was ready. She comes down and graces us with her lovely presence and sits at the table with her knee up looking like someone died. Totally ruined the vibe of a nice dinner for me.
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New Member Vent
Hi everyone, I was actually excited to find a step parent site to vent on!! Because anymore I feel like I'm about to lose my shit every day of the week. So I met my now husband 8 years ago on a dating site of all things, which I thought was a good thing because I didn't want to date a guy who had kids. I was 32 at the time, I knew I wanted kids but did NOT want to deal with one that had them already. BUT, then I met him and he had an 8 year old daughter and I thought, well how bad can it be? He was perfect for me and I thought, well he only has her every other weekend so it will be fine.
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