My SD18 is too effing funny
She was here on Sunday and said she, Sasquatch, SD23, and Sasquatch's mother are taking GS4 to a play place for his 5th b-day in a couple weeks.
SD18 says "we need you to bring DS13 to the play place so he can help GS4 in the tubes. Oh and you can stay if you want." :O
Right...I'm going to join Sasquatch and her family so my son can babysit GS4 in the tubes. UMMMM NO you nit wit.
- Ljcapp1's blog
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You beat me to it. This is
You beat me to it. This is exactly where my mind went too.
Edit: Oops. I read that wrong. I thought you said she CAN'T get her ass in the tubes. From all of LJ's other posts I thought that was probably the case.
That's exactly why they need
That's exactly why they need my kid...he's an 90# 13 year old boy and a 'free' babysitter.
Merc, get real she weighs
Merc, get real she weighs 300#
HAHAHA!!! }:)
Thank you! This is how she
Thank you! This is how she addresses everything she says. "I need you to..., You should do xyz for me...
My H sat there and said nothing. I had to say "no that sounds like a b-day celebration for your side of the family." We will get GS4 before or after for a party." She persisted and said "then can you drop DS13 off?"
She has always been allowed to make adult decisions and 'tell the adults what they need to do.' Very annoying personality trait

Send her some butter. I have
Send her some butter.
I have a feeling she's eat it.
We made homemade pizza that
We made homemade pizza that same night, and she asked if she could take some with her so 'mommy' could try it. :? One big happy family...?
Seriously, we didn't have any
Seriously, we didn't have any left. She was like 'AWWWWW I wanted mommy to try it.'
She has always done this in
She has always done this in one form or another. ^^^ At Christmas time she likes to tell how her mommy and dad used to float on the river naked, and her dad loved to take pictures. AND I QUOTE... "those were the best days of my life, when you and mommy were together."
Ummm Broken, you must not
Ummm Broken, you must not know about my history of nudie photos I have found around the house. And yes I saw the nudie float trip pics and I find it sickening that Sasquatch was running around the river naked in front of her kids. And that H was ok with it too clearly b/c he was the one taking pics.
They have been divorced since
They have been divorced since 2001...yea time to let it go!
So, your SD was about 5 when
So, your SD was about 5 when they divorced?
Sounds like my SD23. She barely remembers her parents together but those were the days!
You mean, you didn't give
You mean, you didn't give birth for the sole purpose of your bio babysitting the step grands?
I told her NO, Scubed - and
I told her NO, Scubed - and my son piped up and said he didn't want to go.