I need a quick poll, please
The 14 y.o.'s b-day is in July. Last year BF,I, my daughter and the 9 y.o were in the store picking out a couple of small things for her before we dropped the 9 y.o. off. BF had no money at the time so I was prepared to pay. (BF wasn't even sure if he wanted to get her a gift considering she just got left back and is always in trouble.) BM called and started going off that I am not to be in the car when he dropped off the skid, saying she would have me arrested if I came to the home. Blah, blah.. So I got fed up and just left the store. 14 y.o. didn't get a present.
BM has constantly reminded the 14 y.o. and other skid about how shitty their Father is and how she didn't get a gift. Around x-mas I talked with the 14.y.o. and the other skids and told them the turth of what happened that day. They understood. All the skids got x-mas gifts.
Last night I was talking to the 16 y.o. and she told me her Mother is still bringing up the lack of a present for the 14 y.o.'s B-day. Only now BM is saying that I am terrible for not thinking of the girl's feelings. That I should have been more of an adult and put her first.
Here is my question.
Do I just drop it or
do I buy some smalls things and obnoxiouly wrap them up with the biggest motha f*@king bows I can find?
Thank you. Jo
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Let this go.. do NOT allow
Let this go.. do NOT allow this woman to have control. You can keep her from it by simply ignoring her antics. You've explained the situation to the skids, they understood what happened.. be done with it. She's a taunting 12 year old trying to cause trouble. You wouldn't justify your actions to a spoiled brat would you?? Why are you responding to BM? Just let it go, tell your skids that you're over it, that you've explained the situation, and don't wish to hear anymore about it. If they're as tired of listening to it as you are, they should tell their mom they're over it too. Once BM doesn't have an audience, she'll find something new
Man Little Jo
do I understand your anger right now! I would go for option b...with the biggest MUTHA F*@KING bow....
I hope you find your middle ground...
Just drop it
If the skids understand, who cares what the BM thinks? Besides, it is just one gift, and you have a whole lifetime to give more gifts. Put BM's drama out of your mind and buy 14 y.o. a gift as if you would normally. Nothing too fancy to indicate that you are trying to make up for something, and nothing too small to indicate that she doesn't matter to you. Or instead of a gift, take her out to do something special, and don't buy into BM's frame of mind that objects are important. Stress to all the kids that "people" are what's most important to you, not things. Just ignore BM's childishness and don't respond. Act as if you don't know what she is saying. If you try to irritate her, it will only let her know that she is succeeding in annoying you.
Drop it...
and I'm all for this idea. This sounds like a good idea. When the time comes back around, have the kids chose something to do and make it a family day... take her to a matinée movie, or a park for a party, etc... ignore BM.
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
Drop it
As long as the kids are clear on what really happened and bear you no ill will for it, who gives a fuck what she thinks?! She's looking for reaction... don't give her the satisfaction.
~ Anne ~
Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice: Pull down your pants and slide on the ice! -M*A*S*H (Sidney Freedman to the OR staff on dealing with stress)
that's what BF said...
Leave it alone.
I can't freaken believe she is STILL bringing it up. How many months ago was this????
I can't stand 'Darkness' right now. Last night the 16 y.o. also told me her Mother is threatening taking away her new 'birthday gift' cell phone. ( yeah, the 16 y.o. said she believes the only reason her Mother got her a cell phone was to make sure BM out did BF )
Why is BM threatening her with this? Because BM looked on-line at 16 y.o. call history and found out that her and I talk.
Feeling angry. Jo
Thanks ladies
I won't get the gift now for last years mishap. I appreciate those who responsed.