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Lisap0924's Blog


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I picked up ss6 from school and dealt with his crappy attitude all afternoon.

Now it's time for bed and I remind fh because he is in the middle of something, which pisses me off because he always decides to start these projects at redokulous times (like 5 min before bed time and 10 minutes before supper)

He told me "you could help me out and do it"

Really?! Um no. It's your time to be the parent.


Lisap0924's picture

My ss6 is SOOOO needy! It drives me insane!
But the weird thing he is not needy with his father, just me!
His mother is not really in the picture, so I feel like it is a cry for adult female attention!
I give him tons of attention! So idk where this needyness is coming from!

I pick him up from school everyday and then we come home and I do my things! Getting dinner ready, cleaning up, ect.
This is when he is the needyest.
He is like under my feet when I am trying to get my shit done!

i guess im having one of those days!

Lisap0924's picture

im home alone. peace and quiet cleaning got some tunes blasting, and i come to realize 95% of the time i am picking up THERE SHIT!!! (meaning ss6 and fh)

i put there shit in 2 piles and pulled rank....i said if this shit does not find a home in a timely manner its going in the trash...fair enough?!

i am not a super clean freak, and i certainly make messes myself, but i clean up after myself!
while cleaning the living room i found one small hair clip that was mine, the rest? THERE SHIT!


Lisap0924's picture

exchange went well. the normal fake bs from bm and her bf.
(mind you they refused to see me for 5 months because of "all the horrible things i have done"...)

my biggest issue lately is with fh..i love him dearly but he drives me insane!! i feel like he doesnt understand everything i do for him and ss.

i work for the school dept. i am an ABA (1:1) for a autistic kindegarden student. i love my job but it is very tough!

Exchange day

Lisap0924's picture

Fh is working today and I get to drop off ss6 with bm
I called her to set up a time earlier and she said "oh can't wait to get rid of him, huh?"
No bitch, I'm trying to plan my day!

This woman is seriously bi polar! Some days she is sweet as pie and some days she is the anti Christ. We have nick named her the devil.

I have been with fh for 2 years now. Before we met fh and bm were "friends" they would spend time time together as a family usually once a week.
That stopped quickly after me and fh got serious due to crazy behavior and jealousy from her.

Need advice!

Lisap0924's picture

Hello! I am new here and would appreciate any help!

I am a step mom of a 6 year old boy for the past 2 years. His father and I are not married yet, but soon.
Ss lives with us full time for the past year. Bm is an every other weekend when she feels like it mom, that is a whole other post for another day! Wink