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Resentment and Jealousy!!!

lisa510's picture

I am a biological mother and a step mother. My 19 y/o son lives in a college dorm, about 5 minutes from my house. My other 16 y/o biological son lives with his dad about 30 minutes from where I live.

I live with DH and SS22 and SD16.

My boys rarely call me. If they need money, permission, or just want to complain about their dad, they call me. I don't think they've ever called to say I love you or how are you. I was really sick on Tuesday and both my boys knew that (I called them to let them know I couldn't make it to band practice). Neither one of them has called to see if I'm feeling better. My 19 y/o rarely comes by my house to see me. I am so RESENTFUL because I raised those boys with so much love. I gave them all my energy while I was married to their dad...that's probably one of the reasons that marriage failed. Anytime I see them, I give them my complete attention. And yet, I feel like they treat me like shit!

I guess since I get no attention from my bio kids, I resent my skids. They live in this house with me. I hate being with them. I don't enjoy anything about them. I hate the fact that my money goes to maintaining a home they benefit from, they eat what I cook, and still treat me like shit!! To top it off, I feel jealous of my SD16. Her "daddy" HAS to go to her room every night to say goodnight to her. I'm think to myself, "What the fuck? Is she not going to sleep if you don't say goodnight?" Last week she wanted fruit, so DH gets in the car and goes to the store with her and buys five CANS of fruit, not fresh fruit because these skids don't eat real fruit or vegetables. She opened one can, ate half of that, and the other cans are still in the pantry. MY money spent on bullshit!

I hate the attention he gives her. I know jealousy is an awful feeling, especially towards my SD.

Never in a million years did I ever want my life to turn out this way. :?


lisa510's picture

Yes, he should be out of the fucking house!

I'm sorry, I'm so mad right now. I just called my BS19 to give him the riot act because I feel like he treats me like crap.

My SS22 is a good person, but he needs to be out!! His girlfriend spends every weekend with us - a practice that started before I moved in. We are building a new master bedroom (our present one only has a half bath) and DH is allowing SS22 to move into to old master bedroom -- only making him MORE comfortable. Damn!! the bedroom he uses now is a disgusting PIGPEN!! The only thing he's gonna do is make a bigger mess in the old master bedroom.

I hate my situation. I feel like if I can't have my boys, I don't want any body else's fucking kids!