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It's been almost 4 months... Update

Lilywen's picture

Well, it's been almost 4 months since I last posted about my situation... I was calling DH, IH (idiot husband) for those that remember.  I suppose now he is just H, but improving.  We started to go to counseling together and a lot of changes have been made.  I guess it helped us both see things differently.  We have touched base on the step elephant in the room in therapy but (since skid is never around me) it has not been forefront.  We have been working on our relationship and our children.  For example; I complain a lot about how much work I do around the house and with our shared toddlers but I also am very particular about how our children are raised and cared for.  I do realize that they are H's children too, but I feel like his supervision is not as, um, consistant... as mine.  But kids do fall and they do get bumps and scrapes... I told H that I can accept that he feels I am controlling of the kids, explained why and we agreed that I would work on letting go and he would work on understanding why I am so controlling over the kids and try to come to a compromise in our parenting.  I let go, he pays more attention, etc.  I hope that makes sense, I am the type of parent who seperates my girls or redirects before someone gets hit or pinched or bitten (the girls are 4 and 1-1/2).  H plays on his phone until he hears a scream and then he intervenes by yelling and nobody knows how or what went down.  I find he often yells at the 4 yr old, even if she just got bitten by the 1-1/2 yr old.  He will tell her she needs to share the toy DD 1-1/2 tried to take because she is older and "should know better".  I take the approach that , yes, she is older but she doesn't HAVE to share her possessions just because the little one wants it.  Together, we find another toy to interest the little one and, the goal is to play together.  I guess that is how it is with a lot of things.  We stopped seeing things from each other's perspective over the last almost 10 years.  I also see how I became very resentful and focused on the negative and H became very detached and almost spiteful over the years.  Hopefully we can continue to work on ourselves and our relationship.  We were once a very loving and supportive couple.... 

That said, when we did discuss the step-ephant in therapy, I felt comfortable (not that I ever have lied or felt the need to lie to H about my strong negative feelings towards his son) being completely open.  H's son has done some horrible things to me.  He was verbally and physically abusive to me, he was violent in our home, he threatened our eldest daugher when she was an infant and he lied in such a way that H and I had to go to court to defend our names and stood to lose our careers during the time he lived with us and BM was in prison.  I have told H that I could work on rebuilding that relationship if and only if I receive a real apology and even then that will be an attempt to rebuild and indifference may be the only progress I make.  I have always been honest.  I don't have no feelings toward H's son, I have strong feelings... strong, intense, very very negative feelings.  I wish him no harm, that would hurt my H.  But I certainly do not wish him well.  Of course H feels I should "forgive and forget", that he has asked his son to apologize but he will not, and that I need to "be the adult" because his son is a child.  He turns 18 in 3 days.  The behavior described above happened from 13-15yrs old.  Not a "child" whose behaviors should be forgiven when extreme.  The counselor stated that to H, one of his children threatened another one of his children but to me, an unrelated adult sized teen threatened my biological infant.  She asked H if our neighbor's child yelled a physical threat at our 1-1/2 yr old daughter (a little older now that DD 4 was at the time of the threat) would H just accept that the neighbor's 15yr old, 6', 150lb son was just a child, to be forgiven for threatening a 3', 24lb baby with physical harm?  You could really see him trying to spin that around in his head for a while, but of course there is no way.  

Still, H has his laspes where he wants to talk to me about his son.  I try to be cordial and listen, then change the subject without offering any real conversation back.  He asked a few weeks ago if he could take DDs to PrisonMom's big birthday bash for H's son's 18th.  He wanted them to say good bye to "their big brother" who is joining the Navy.  That has been H's big deal lately, his son signed up for the Navy.  Now he is backing out with less then 2 weeks to bootcamp.  But I digress.... PrisonMom has at least 3 registered sex offenders in her immediate family and many family memebrs have, like her, spent some time in prison.  Nope, nope, nope.  My daughters go no where like that.  He fought me for a while and I ended up screaming at him that they are HALF siblings at best, and he met the younger once in her life... he doesn't care about them and they do not even know him.  He tried to prove his point by asking the elder what her brother's name was and she could not answer.  That's not on me, buddy.  You want them to have a relationship, you should have fostered that all along.  I guess he felt I should have done that too... change, feed, teach, bathe, force absent half sibling that is not MY child down their throats...  They are not going to be dragged round trip 10 hours in a car and around a party full of trailer trash and pedophiles just so they can be another two warm bodies paying tribute to H's son's "accomplishments" especially when we now know that he is going to reneg on his commitment to the Navy and not tell anyone until after he has cashed every congratulatory check and had his moment in the spotlight.  Nope, nope, nope.  At least H gave up his fight pretty quickly.  

Now, what should the girls and I do for fun while H is away for the weekend with his spawn?


Aniki-Moderator's picture

So nice to hear positive news! Sounds like you and your H are on a successful track.

What about a girl day? Get mommy/daughter mani/pedis. Is there a tea room nearby? Go somewhere special for lunch (my hubby would not be caught dead in a tea room, LOL). Spend the evening in jammies on the living room floor, watching movies and eating popcorn. Bake cookies together. You have endless possibilities!

Lilywen's picture

The 4 year old would love a mani-pedi/spa day, the 1-1/2 year old not so much.  Ditto for tea room.  But I was already all about the movies and popcorn.  Lol.  I know it sounds bad, but I am pretty excited about the mommy-daughter time.  "Bye, dear!"

bananaseedo's picture

Glad to hear...I know I may be old school-but IMO it's not cute or cool to take any girl child under age of paying it herself-to a mani/pedi.  There are so many bonding activities out there w/out teaching tiny little girls the importance of these thigns until they can pay for them- no reason to become a princess at such young ages.  Most girls today EXPECT mani/pedis/highlights, etc....things I never did until I was an adult and could pay for them myself.  Don't find if cute in the least.  Let's teach you high maintenance little one.... lol no thank you!

marblefawn's picture

That's great news!

I really noticed something you wrote...that with a therapist, you felt more comfortable talking honestly about SS. I didn't realize it at the time we were in therapy, but you're right. It felt safe talking about SD with a therapist present. That's a great point.

I had little faith in therapy before I went. Now I have some faith in it. I think you're getting out of it what I got.

On your husband's lax parenting, maybe you should give him a little more credit. Those kids of yours will be fighting with each other until the day they die! That's what siblings do. They'll need to figure out the hierarchy for times when neither of you is there. A bite here, a stolen toy there...they will figure it out on their own and it gives them skills for the real world.

And I agree...taking little kids to a prison party for someone they hardly know is ridiculous.

I'm glad you tried therapy. It sounds like you're both really working to make the most of it.

Lilywen's picture

I have never had a problem with talking about the issues regarding H's son with him.  He knows full well how I feel.  I guess, to be more clear, I was going to therapy alone for a few years after PrisonMom became ParoleMom and H's son left our house to go live with her.  Sometimes H would be dismissive of my feelings about the situation or even downright nasty but I know what happened and how it impacted me.  No amount of sweeping this under the rug is going to make it vanish and I don't have to pretend.  I have the right to my feelings and no one... especially my own H is going to take that right from me.  I meant I felt comfortable that in speaking with this therapist, sitting there with H watching her facial expressions as I recounted tiny glimpses of my experience with H's son in such a neutral way that he could not deny, H would finally get it.  It was going to be the time I expressed my feelings and he could not even attempt to negate them.  I felt a sense of calm resolution.

I am trying to give him more credit, I absolutely interfer with the girl's interactions too much.  They do fight and they always will... I just like to know exactly who did what to whom and why so that the right tiny butt(s) go in time out, get the right talking to and I know who is a big liar-liar.  But I am working on that.  I think I will just start sending everyone to quiet time-outs and relax on the couch with some big people TV... Lol.

marblefawn's picture

Now you're talking! Everyone in time out! Mommy needs a martini and an episode of Real Housewives!!!