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Life as a stepmom❤️'s Blog

Support and guidance VS condemning

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I often find myself wondering what to say to my 9yr old stepson when he is venting to me about his biological mom and step dad. I try to keep is pretty broad and general rather then directly aimed at them. I also tend to find a life lesson in the situation. However, sometimes I don't necessarily approve of the way he is telling me or talking about them. I want him to be able to come to me for support and openly talk to me so I worry about guiding him away and condemning him or them. But sometimes I think he plays the households a bit and he mimics them.

Struggles co parenting with the other household

Life as a stepmom❤️'s picture

I am new to this site and found myself here because I am constantly finding myself wishing for support from people who may understand or know where I am coming from. I've always considered a blog that allowed me to vent about things, but mainly the struggles of being a stepparent.