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Wonder if she's bipolar too?

Last-Wife's picture

Loca Grande is bipolar... Genetically, i know there's a good chance at leas one of the three skids could have it too... I wonder if it's Princess?

She sent a sugary sweet text this afternoon about how she misses us and hoped we were having a fun evening since it's such a beautiful day. This after how nasty she was to me on Sunday?

I texted back that I had Parent Conference meetings all night. She later texted for me to have fun and relax when I got home.

Now, yes, some might say she is trying to mend fences, but at the same time, I have since this quick turn around so many times with her mother, that I just don't trust it. And she has burned me so much lately, that I don't feel like forgiving so easily if she is trying to patch things up... I can't help but wonder if Princess might be Bipolar too...