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"Not my problem"

Last-Wife's picture

I'm going to have to get this tattooed on my forehead, as a reminder to myself, and to let my family know their drama shouldn't be mine.

But, damn, I'm too nosy. I want to know what's going on. Someone needs to. Loghead is too damn ignorant of what's going on, and just lets it all happen. Why pick up the pieces afterwards, when many issues can be avoided?

The things I'm trying to let go today:
1. Loca Grande came and saw Lazy Boye and Princess Saturday. Her tax refund is burning a hole in her pocket. She bought Princess $60 of clothes she didn't need, but when Lazy Boye asked her for the track shoes he needed, she said she didn't have enough money, but then bought him a frickin $20 baseball cap...

2. Princess and the ex-boyfriend are back together. She wants to add him to access to her savings account. I told her Loghead and I have been married 12 years and still don't share the same bank! She got all mad, and said she'd do what she wanted, because he wants to help her get her future finances in order for college. Ok, fine, but that doesn't mean he needs your bank numbers. Thank goodness she is still a minor (for a few more weeks) and can't do anything with the account without my permission.

3. Loghead let PITA spend the night at a friend's again last night. PITA just called that the bus was back fromt he ballgame and asked to stay with another friend. Loghead said yes.

4. Loca Grande left me another damn message about taking the kids out of the country next Christmas...

Gibby and I are going to the movies tomorrow night. Screw this craziness. I have to free coupons that expire. We're going to dinner and a movie.

Thank goodness Friday is counselor day. Once again, Loghead can't get off work. I'll cut him slack since it's his temp job...

Ugh, maybe things would be better if he had a job for the fall...
