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NOT again...

Last-Wife's picture

I swear to goodness that at 5:45 this morning, I contemplated leaving my husband. I was getting ready for work and went to let the dog out. I tripped over shoes at the front door, so I turned on the lights. They belonged to my son's new girlfriend!!!!

BAckground: SS is 18, and a senior in HS. She is a sophomore. Last night was only the 2nd time we've met the girl... We are both teachers, my husband had a touch of the flu, and so we headed to bed at a reasonable time. When I turned the lights out, I called SS on his cell to tell him it was time to take her home- "yeah, yeah," he said and we hung up. Not long after that, I heard the front door slam and the truck start...

I fell asleep, only to later wake up for work and trip on her shoes. PLEASE REMEMBER THIS IS TUESDAY, So it's a "school day." And we don't live in a place with Spring Break... So I go wake up my DH to tell him she's either still here, or went home barefoot. He rolls over and says, "Nah, she's gone. I heard them leave." He rolls back over and goes to sleep.

I go put in my contacts and come back to nag him again. I tell him to go check. I reminded him that had it been our daughter as a sophomore who didn't come home, we would be out of our minds with worry! Again, he blows it off. (He was under the influence of medicine, but has been known repeatedly to be an ass about things like this.)

I go fix my hair. I come back and tell him I am going to give him ten more minutes to do the right thing as a parent, or I will go, and if I do it there will be bloodshed if the girl is there...

I am fuming. At this point, I seriously consider leaving my husband. For those of you that recognize my name, you know we had similar issues with the older SS, and I am not about to go through it again. (Oh- I'll update you on that SS story later! It's a hoot!) I actually throw extra clothes into my fitness bag...

Right before I am ready to blow my top, he actually goes to see if her shoes or really there! Then he goes downstairs and the bedroom door is locked. He rattles it like he can't believe that... And then does it again. Finally he begins to realize the reality of the situation and bangs on the door till Lazy Boye finally opens up the door. And then won't let him in. They actually tussle over the door for a minute, before DH barges through, and sees the girl. IDK if they were in the bed or on the couch, but to me it doesn't f***ing matter! And then Lazy Boye says "we must've fallen asleep watching movies." The frickin door was locked your moron. Oh, DH finally did let him have it. I never really heard him address the girl, except to say, "do your parents know where you are?" but I could not hear her answer.

Within the next 10 minutes, they had left through the basement and he took her home.

But it gets "better." I get home to find out Lazy Boye stayed home "sick" all day from school...

And DH refuses to talk about it... I am fuming. And there is a part of me that even though it is only 2 months till his graduation, and 3 months till he leaves for Boot camp, I will frickin' leave before I go through all this again...

Not to mention I can't have a positive opinion of this girl, or I worry about what kind of people her parents must think we are... I will sadly say we live in a county where the "youngins" shack up at an early age, and no one blinks an eye, but I AM NOT OKAY WITH IT


Last-Wife's picture

That's what I'm afraid of! I don't want my son with that kind of girl! And they've barely dated a month. Now I get he's a "guy" and he might try to get a little something, but he crossed a line... And I am so angry about it!

overworkedmom's picture

OMG!! I would have been freaking out!!

The only good news is the 3 months until bootcamp thing.

Unfreakingreal's picture

Yeah, I would have blown a gasket too. My son's GF was here on Saturday, he is a Junior in HS, she is a sophomore. She came after work and didn't get here till 9pm. We had a family movie night with popcorn and snacks, had dinner as a family (my older son & his fiance were here as well) and then they hung out in his room after. At 1:45am when I was getting ready for bed, I noticed she was still here, they had the tv on and they were both asleep. (Fully clothed) I woke them up and asked her when was she getting picked up. Her dad was here within 10 minutes, apparently she had told him to get her at 2am. Here is what I find interesting...Whenever my son is at her house, Friday or Saturday ONLY, I pick him up at 12:30am. He is a BOY and I would never let him stay at anyones house till 2am. If I had a daughter, that would be an absolute NO NO.

kathc's picture

He can be a daddy to be in less than three months and your DH needs to open his eyes and nip that shit in the bud. There's now way they're just "watching movies" with her there all night and the door locked.