I'm not eating that!
Why does Loca Grande insist on sending the skids home with food she cooked? Last night Lazy Boye brought home apple pie, saying she wanted me to try a piece from a new recipe she tried. I've seen Snow White! I ain't eating anything she made with apples, anything she made- PERIOD! I have seen that woman's kitchen! Eeww... I won't even feed it to the dogs! Or the cows, for that matter! LOL And then he has the nerve to tell me tonight that I need to wash up the plate so he can take it back to her. Um, wash it yourself... and next time, don't bring it here, I don't want any. Not now, not ever...
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I think that's rude of her to
I think that's rude of her to send food to your house like that. It's not like you're friends and she baked you a pie out of the kindness of your heart. I'd starve before I'd eat it, that's for sure, but maybe there's something wrong with me. After the crap the BMs have been dishing lately, I'm just not feeling too trusting.
BM thinks she's being so
BM thinks she's being so grand by giving us goodies. I keep them while the skids are here (and only they eat them) and then I toss them. However, with the BM in my case, she seems to give us sweets and stuff to emphasize the fact that she's on a diet and works out and doesn't eat junk (except we all know she's a binge/purger). She'll say, "Well, I don't need ALL of these brownies at MY house! I can't eat those." It's her little way of attempting to smear it in our face that we aren't weight-obsessed like she is (which we are not unhealthy at all).
Why can't you guys just see
Why can't you guys just see it as a nice gesture? Sending a goodie over for the kids to enjoy, or for your family to enjoy, so what. What is the big deal? Don't jump to a negative conclusion.
Yeah, it's rather difficult
Yeah, it's rather difficult not to jump to negative conclusions when the same person that is baking you goodies today was calling you names and making accusations about you yesterday.
It's about boundries.
EEEEW. I wouldn't like BM
EEEEW. I wouldn't like BM sending over food. How annoying. She has in the past sent the skids with treats around the holidays. You know, special stuff you make once a year. I didn't have any problem with that at all because it is a special thing and I'm sure they made them together and what a waste if it became stale before they went back. Ok...and...when no one was looking I would eat some too. I have a wicked sweet tooth and since the intention was for it to be for the kids I knew nothing was poisoned
BM is actually a good cook. If she did things like that regularly it would annoy me though.
Wow, i wonder how BM
Wow, i wonder how BM perceives me sending home goodies with the SK's?? I don't just send random things -- anything i send has been made with the assistance with the SK's. Usually brownies or jellies or something. Hmm...I always thought it was a nice gesture and something the SK was proud of - i'm sure it wound up in the bushes on the way down the road.
You have a very good point.
You have a very good point. I never send anything to BM's house. I've thought it wouldn't be well received. But I can see where if the skids helped make it they might want to share with their mom. On my end, SD would NEVER help or be a part of anything I was doing so that's never come up.
However, many many times BM has come in to pick SD up and having seen that I've baked has asked SD to grab a brownie, a cookie, whatever it might be for her. BIG BRASS ones !!!!
Sorry, but I think it's very
Sorry, but I think it's very weird, coming from either side. The SM sending something to BM looks like, "Look how much fun YOUR children and I are having playing house!" BM sending something to SM could be saying, "I have to send these things because you have no clue how to be a mother and I wouldn't want MY children and MY ex-husband to be deprived."
I think sometimes the
I think sometimes the motivation is to provide proof that they are a good cook/homemaker that kind of thing. I know my DH is very appreciative when I bake and cook. I'm sure he has always been that way and has expressed it to BM when they were married.
I think she thinks she is somehow competing with me or trying to show him what he is missing. She truely is messed up like that.
But I agree that your perceptions of messages could be dead on in many cases.