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Curious? Repeated cycle?

Last-Wife's picture

I've been very active here lately, and am realizing most of us in the stepmom role deal with crazy BMs.

Just curious? How many of those BMs also come from homes with divorce when they were younger? Does the cycle really repeat itself?

If so, how can we ever be expected to have a lasting affect on our skids? How do we break that cycle?

I'm interested in your stories and thoughts on this...

I know the BM I deal with has mental issues dealing from her genetics and the environment she grew up in. Her parents split and dad took off when she was in her teens. He never visited. Her mom remarried 3 times. None of her siblings have the same fathers...

I sometimes wonder how much her mixed up life as a child has created her mixed up life as an adult, and how she views things now. (She herself is now a stepmom too, but since her SS was in juvie she never had to deal with him being around...)

I love her kids- even if I don't like them all the time....


stepmomto3's picture

I believe there's an inner psycho in all of us... Just kidding! Lol! No... I think its a dangerous mix of hurt feelings jealousy and anger. Without regard to their children. If only we lived in a perfect world...

Hate-Me's picture

i honestly think its a repeat cycle. BM in my case is part of a blended family, her father is not the same as her other siblings. Her mother had her at 17, she got pregnant at 17, and all of her sisters are pregnant around the same age "(one is 17 with TWO kids)....3 out of 4 are not with the father of their children. so yea i think at least in HER family, it repeats itself unfortunately.

Hate-Me's picture

to add, i do fear for sd3 when she gets older. if bm still has custody by the time she hits junior high, history will repeat and sd3 will be pregnant by 17. its just acceptable in that family to act as such. its morally disgusting.