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WTF?! Really? Report cards and BM's WEIRD gaze at ME. WTF?

LaMareOssa's picture

So, yesterday SD10 and DD5 got their report cards from school. SD is in 4th grade and DD is in Kindergarten.
I will start with DD5. I'm not sure about other school districts, but here in Elementary they use numbers, 1-4 for grading. 4 is the best, 1 is basically an F or E. So, I'm looking at DD's and she has all 3 and 4's. Most 3+'s. She also got O's for all letter grades. There are O's=Outstanding S=Satisfactory and N=Needs Improvement. DD got about five 4's and the rest are 3+'s.

SD10 got all S's. She also got mostly 2's and a few 3's. She got one O=Outstanding for P.E. This is not as bad as some children and an improvement from her last report card that had a few N's. I feel it could be better.
SD is also pretty much failing math. She also failed an A.R(Accelerated Reader) test back in Dec./Jan. (Before DH got custody) But the teacher also commented that SD has improved in her A.R since February(DH got custody at the end of Jan)

SD's first report card had all 3's and 4's for Sept.-Dec. She was also excelling in reading, reading at above grade level. But, in Nov,Dec,Jan is when BM gave up on doing anything productive for her kids and herself, and I feel that her lack of caring has really shown through SD's report card. I feel bad for SD because I know what she is capable of doing and seeing her struggle so much either because her mom is a total nutcase and loser or because of DH getting custody, I just feel bad for her.

Today, SD got an award at school. DH informed BM a few days ago and urged her to be there. When we got there, DH told me that he saw BM "wheeling her decrepit self in" BM had surgery and now she is using one of those things that you rest your knee on when walking. Anyway, we walk in the gym and BM looks up at us, almost happy and hopeful looking. She's sitting in the back all by herself and I had a tinge of Sorrow. I felt bad for her for a minute or two, and then I remembered that behind the pittiful, pretty face, BM is criminally insane and violent. Anyway....After the ceremony, parents were allowed to go up and take photos, BM's crippled ass was the first one to scoot herself to the front. Pictures were taken and hugs were given, I keep my distance from DH, BM and SD while BM hugs SD. I see BM looking around and she found me and looked at me with the most pittiful, sad, hurt look on her face, I thought she was going to break down and cry all over me. I look at her, completely emotionless and she looks back at SD and DH. ??????????????????????????????? She hugs SD again, our kids run up and hug SD, I give hugs with the watchful eye of BM.DH, our kids and me start to walk away and BM goes out another door. SD runs up to us and walks with us down the hall to her class and we leave. AWKWARD!!!!!!!

I'm really confused as to why BM would look at me with that "poor me" look on her face. She hates me deeply and I hate her with a very deep passion. I'm sure her thoughts are violent in regards to me, especially after reading my Affidavit for court against her. I'm confused and actually bothered about that look I got. I've never spoken a word to this woman. Not ONE WORD...EVER. I would end up in jail if I spoke to her even once. Anyway, why look at me that way? I can't "help" her. In her eyes, I'm the enemy.


skylarksms's picture

You may be the enemy, but you are also the person who (in her twisted mind) is living the life she SHOULD have had.

Kilgore SMom's picture

WOW. Hope she's not up to something. I don't know what it would be. Maybe she relizes that shes not going to get that life back. And is going to move on. In regards to DH.