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Sooo that's why you need DH's weekend in August, eh?

LaMareOssa's picture

DH and I just found out why BM "NEEDS SD for the first weekend in August.

DH picked up SD at 6PM lastnight for his regular two hour visit. They came home and I was in the kitchen playing with BD5 and BS2 and cooking dinner. DH walks in and gives everyone big hugs and kisses as usual. He looks back at SD slyly and waits for her to leave the kitchen. DH says "Found out why dipshit wants the first weekend!!" I said yeah? He says "BM is getting married!"

WOW. BM just broke up with her boyfriend of 5 years back in August, been with her new boyfriend since August!!!! Less than a year and she is engaged again? Got a new man the same month? WOW. Tad bit whorish if you ask me. lol

I guess on the way back to our house DH asked SD if something was going on in August because BM asked DH for the weekend. (DH asked because if it was something special that included SD, he didn't want to ruin it for SD) SD says "Yeah, moms gettin' married to [boyfriend] in the start of August." DH says "Awesome! I'm happy for mommy." SD started acting strange from then on. I don't think she is comfortable talking about Anything that goes on "over there."

How does this insane woman find these men? I thought the same thing about the last boyfriend-he had no idea what he was getting himself into and BM can only contain her Craziness for so long and she showed her true colors back in July when she destroyed his house, ran over his dog and kicked a cop in the face- now the same thing is going to happen all over again. This new guy has no idea whats REALLY going on. Poor guy. BM still lives at home-so BM and the boyfriend havent moved in together yet. Maybe this was BMs not live with him and not show her true colors until after they're married.

I HOPE BM does get married-only after DH gets into court- maybe she will have another baby and leave DH and SD alone. But, the other part of me hopes the new guy leaves BM at the alter or something. I wish nothing but the worst for BM.
I asked DH if I could send a congrats card to BM. Answer was no of course. lol


LaMareOssa's picture

BM is 34 (I think) and new guy is 27. I wish I could say that this guy is young and doesn't know any better, but I can't because he's my age. :? And I would know better. I wish I could grab him by the collar and shake him and scream "Runnnn...she has three kids! Two different dads!! Runnnnn...shes yourself before you end up daddy #3..runnn"

I WISH she would invite us. I would show up, just to make sure she's actually doing it!

DaizyDuke's picture

Yeah we just found out that BM#1 who is the epitomy of plain white trailer trash, has a new boyfriend!! He is in the process of divorcing his wife (who has a glass eye) and is now in looove with BM who is living with her mother because she got evicted (about 6 months ago now) for the 3rd or 4th time in the past 5 years. So BM, her 4 kids by 2 different guys, her mother, father, 2 brothers and one of their girlfriends are all living in her mother's 3 bedroom trailer in the trailer hood.

Wow, this guy must be sooooo proud of his new found love!

DH just hangs his head in shame that he ever even laid eyes on this skank 14 years ago much less fathered a child with her. He seriously should go school to school with his story and teach kids about the importance of abstinance and pregnancy prevention... DON"T LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU! lmao

iwishyouwould's picture

lol she sounds like kiddo's bm. In the last three years she's been engaged 3 times. the first fiance never had a job and beat her up, threw her out and threw all her crap away when he realised she was cheating with the second. the second one got her pregnant (her 3rd - how do you accidentilly get pregnant 3 times?) and then kicked her out like a week after she told him she miscarried, then posted on his facebook that she was psychotic. this one has decided that because bm screams at dh constantly and dh reviles her that it is obvious that dh wants her back and would do anything to get in her pants, so he must constantly monitor her communication with him and be with her at every single pickup/dropoff. They were/are all "the most wonderful men on the face of the planet and much better fathers that dh (the custodial parent) could ever be". this is what you do: *rolls eyes*. yup. PS ive decided that the way they do it is that they just dont have any standards.

Anon2009's picture

BM is engaged to a true deadbeat dad who has seven or eight kids with eight different women. She was stupid enough to name him on myspace. I did a people search on this guy for kicks and I found out about his criminal record and the fact that he lives at home with his mother.

She has also been engaged to child molesters, but I guess word was getting around that she has lots of acquaintances at San Quentin.

Ex4life's picture

So is SO going to let BM have the time in August? Quite frankly she has a lot of other days she can plan this wedding for. Unless BF is shipping out or something I believe I would tell her to plan around the ONE week. I'm betting you and SO planned your wedding for a time you knew you were going to have the children ( that is assuming you wanted them there. LOL)

LaMareOssa's picture

Well...DH wrote BM a letter lastnight. Basically it said: (BM doesn't know DH knwos shes getting married)

I did get your text telling me you need SD the first weekend in August, but I think you failed to realise that the first week/end in August is my court ordered week/end and on top of that, it is already my weekend with SD. For the past nine years, you have made every one of my weekends and weeks almost impossible. So, unless you have changed your ways, I'm not changing my schedule. Oh, and by the way, you can change the date of your wedding to your weekend, just like I was forced to do for mine.


LaMareOssa's picture

LMAO!!! I love all of your comments. It's amazing how similar everything is with the BM's around here!!!!

BM here has 3 kids. 2 different dads. Was engaged to her last boyfriend for about 3 years. Were supposed to get married in Oct of 2008. Oct came and went. BM blew up one day on DH with her boyfriend standing by her side she screamed "Fuck off, you're a jerk. Unless you want [boyfriend] to adopt [SD] you should fuck off!! I'M GETTING MARRIEDDDDD!!!!!!" Crazy bitch. Because her boyfriend can just up and adopt another mans kids without permission or good cause. Yeah right. I'm sure the same thing will happen this time- Hopefully her Craziness shows before the poor guy marries this beast.

She has also mentioned that her dream is to have 5 children. Two more to go. I hope this idiot has a brain.