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I'm done. No more. A rant, A rave, A promise.

LaMareOssa's picture

I'm tired. I'm tired of trying to stay positive all. the. time. I'm tired of being nice. I'm tired of her goddamned attitude. I'm tired of her selfishness. I'm tired of her hateful personality. I did not raise her and this is not my fault. I keep trying to tell myself that it is not because of DH and I that his daughter is really emotionally fucked. is our fault that we have not put a stop to her mean comments. It is our fault that she continues to be rude. It stops as of now. I will no longer worry about what a 10 year old thinks of me. If she hates me thats fine, but I am here to be a positive female role model for this child, I am not here to be her BFF, I am here to raise her and our children. I am here to be a parent. I've tried for many years to get along with her. I have tried and tried to get close to her, but it doesn't work. I have tried to be nice and I am tired of walking on eggshells in my own home. This is our home and I will not allow her to ruin or change our peaceful sanctuary. Clearly, this child never asked to be a pawn in her parents battle and the fact that she has been put through so much is terrible, but DH has done everything he can to help her, including therapy. SD will never WANT to be here, but she has no choice. BM has done a wonderful job of ruining such a once happy little person. BM has succeeded in fucking her child up just the way BM is fucked up. Good job BM, unfortunately, your child will end up just like you; Miserable in life and emotionally screwed up. SD's entire childhood has been ruined. Even though we show her love and how a typical family runs, she likes to find something negative to sulk about. Even on awesome vacations SD will find something wrong. Oh well. If she chooses to be miserable when there is no need then thats her loss.
Lastnight was my breaking point. I have been very close to snapping on her, but I have contained myself. But lastnight I hit my point. It was something pretty small, but all the "small things" have added up and we're done. BD6 got a giant dollhouse for xmas. She loves it!!! Anyway, SD has been playing with the dollhouse quite a bit, using BDs toys and barbies. Then SD brings out one of her new barbies to play with. When she put it down to pick up one of BDs dolls, BD picked up the barbie and said oh shes pretty..SD snatched it away and said NOO dont touch its mine! At that point me and DH told SD that she is not to touch any of BD's more playing with her dolls and dollhouse eiher. Since she can't seem to share anything with BD then we will make sure BD doesn't share anything with her.

I feel like we're being unfair by not letting them play together, but we're tired of BD sharing everything she has with SD and SD won't even let BD look at any of her things.

I am done "asking" her to not be rude. I am tired of trying to work with her. I am tired of the excuses for her hatefulness. She knows right from wrong. She knows when she is being hurtful. I will no longer allow BD6 to be emotionally abused by her sister. I will no longer allow her to get away with it. BD6 and BS3 know right from wrong and they know the difference between being mean and being nice and so does a 10 year old. I will no longer beat around the bush and feel bad if I "upset" SD. SD would me mad about living here no matter what anyway so I shouldn't change because she Is here. It ends starting lastnight. There will be no more of this. I don't care if she hates me for making her be civil.


stepmomto3bioto1's picture

I think it sometimes just comes down to that! You get to a certain point & have had enough!! Ive taken crap from my SS11 for 3 yrs now, and I hit my breaking point this past Fall. I have 3 SSs but only one gives me issues & thats SS11. Hes like all those mini wives we all hear about on here. I came to realize that I shouldnt have to retreat to my bedroom when they come to visit. Well that & im tired of taking an 11 yr olds crap. He tries to push me out of the way where DHs concerned. Ya know, push his way in between us at the mall, sit on DHs lap like a toddler. I had enough & Im reclaiming My house '& my spouse!!! DH is behind me 100% now. That was key for me!!

Take your house/life back & your authority in your home. My DD lives here full time. Skids visit 4 or so days a month. They play with DDs toys. Shes very good at sharing. sS11 is not. He always tries to throw a fit if she wants to play with something of his. Its so rude!!!!!

Hang in there. We all have our breaking points.