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So sorry you don't live in reality.

Lalena75's picture

My beautiful daughter had their annual Christams concert it's a big event at the high school every year. Last night SO and I went because he wouldn't have anyone to watch his kids today, and I went again today with my BM since I drove her I sat with her. Now last nights performance SO and I sat right where she wanted us so we could be next to where she was standing. Today's performance I had her make sure her dad and his gf knew where to sit so they could enjoy being next to her as well, my BM and I sat across the aisle so my mom could be next to her as well. This pissed off my ex, and he practically ignored our daughter being right next to him he watched the stage, his gf truely seemed to enjoy the show and got as teary eyed as I did watching her sing and that made me and my daughter happy. I wish her dad would of looked at her too, she noticed he didn't but was happy his gf did. Now to the part that really pissed me off. My dad and stepmom where there too they didn't stay to congradulate their granddaughter and neither did her dad. I pointed it out to all of them that it hurt her feelings, both my dad and hers responded with the SAME answer, "sorry didn't want to intrude" really I want you to talk to her I want you all to Grow the F up and stop acting like my BM is a terrible person like I am a terrible person what that either of us would sink so low as to cause a scene in public noooo because neither of us ever have, that was you guys. I like my ex's gf she seems pleasant and nice whenever I've been near her I think she's a terrible mom to her own child she's abandoned but she's never been anything but nice to my own kids and that's what matters to me. My stepmom refuses to be anywhere near my mom always has, my siblings and I have tried for 20 years whenever there is a family thing to invite them to sit together so us kids didn't have to choose a parent but guess what we did we had to pick and we chose the parent that didn't mind sitting with the others we chose the parent that never bad mouthed the other parent in front of us we chose the parent that was there to catch us when we fell and push us out when it was time to fall without a net. We chose mom because she acted like a grown up parent, if it had been the other way around we would of chose dad. Tonight I called them all out on it tonight I told my dad he and my stepmom wanted us in their lives "try" all the time well stop making us choose! Sit with your kids who cares who is sitting next to them, talk to your kids who cares who is standing there, you don't have to talk to or sit next to them ignore them for all I care but stop making me choose, and don't make my kids choose either! Cause I will never make them pick me or dad, I'll excuse myself so that he can be with them if he would rather make them pick I'll step aside because that's what secure grown ups do.


Lalena75's picture

Actually I didn't send them to her dad my ex, I sent them to my own dad. She's the one noticed he was sitting right there a foot from her his gf watching her and he looked straight ahead I was watching her so didn't notice, all I cared about was her being happy. My big rant was my own parents behavior. Which then affected my daughter because both of us got the same treatment from our respective dad's.

bestwife's picture

I guess I'm the evil SM because I have never ever met the BM - nor do I ever intend to do so. She is absolute trash and I do not have trashy people in my life. SS is a grown adult and has been since I've been around so this is not a 10 year old.

I see no reason to ever even acknowledge her existence. DH has never badmouthed her but it's a small city so I know how horrible she is.