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My neighbor lost her shit again

Lalena75's picture

It's never pretty when she and her bf fight. Remember this is the woman who's friendship was a critical factor in the end of my marriage to exh, she and her bf live with her kids and exh she is under the belief it's her right and power to actively persue unavailable men and finds destroying others lives fun and makes her feel powerful. So during the fight her kids are home, mine are home and she's flipping out and throwing out her bf so she calls my exh to her rescue as is his mo he's there quick as a flaah the man who wouldn't move that fast for an emergency for his own kids is now in her house helping her throw out bf while coming outside to help bf put his things in his car. My kids can hear everything and this time I didn't shut the windows or turn ip the tv, I let them gwak at the reality show staring crazy and ex douchebag, inside her house the windows are open he can be heard kissing her ass claming her down and siding with her then comes out and kisses up the her bf and sides with him. She then goes nutso on her porch with a baseball bat swearing and beating the walls the door her kids bike and scooter. Exh just watchea, her bf reminds her of her cheating on him 4 times and I see my exh hang his head hmmmm interesting reaction I know one of the men she cheated witg because a few months ago his pregnant wife showed up and clamly told her "Come near my husband speak to him ever again I will wrap my hands around your neck and squeeze the life out of you ever so slowly so you suffer thinking about never seeing your kids again" (we share a driveway her front door faces my kitchen you just can't miss what goes on there)
My dd sees all of this sees her dad play nicey nicey with his bff and her bf cause he uses both of them to feed his much needed ego and made sure neither heard him playing the other but dd didn't miss it, she didn't miss the fact her dad was 20 steps from our door all for them but never asks for them extra or for dinner except his weekends. Neither kid missed the crazy screaming and baseball bat beating of her own kids things her lunatic rantings both kids had been unfortunately present when I told there dad before the divorce "she goes or I go, wife or best friend which is it" and his reaponse " You don't tell me who I can be friends with"
My dd turned to me when her dad drove off behind the neighbors now exbf and said "he chose a supposed friendship with her for an amazing woman like you he must be crazy himself and lying it was just a friendship I don't think a man choses like that unless there's more. I love you mom but you know I don't blame you for the choice you made we're a lot happier and webdont have to live watching dad drop everything for her well except today but it doesn't affect us like it used to." She hugs me and whispers "she really is a whore, I'm sorry can I even use that word?" Me "I'll let it slide this once."
My ds said " I never want to grow up like that I don't want to date crazy people or chase crazy people like dad just did it's weird "
So that was my adventure yesterday SO's kids were being nosey about it and I got on SO cause he told them "aren't you glad you don't have to listen to mom and dad fight like that anymore?" I didn't think what he said was quite right. And my exh seems recently to be making why I divorced him obvious to out kids lately which I mostly kept from them.


Rags's picture

The facts and the truth are always the best way to go. We used this method with my SS-20, in an age appropriate manner, for his entire life.

He knows his SpermIdiot is a worthless POS. We never called him that but we also never hid the facts of the SpermIdiot's behavior and life from our son. the same goes with every adult member of the SpermClan.

The last few years of the CO I found my son on several occassions digging in to the filing cabinet reading the CO, the supplemental rules and regulations for visitation in SpermLand where the CO is issued from, the call logs and jounals, the SpermIdiot's arrest records, the SpermIdiot's tax returns (and ours), reading PI reports and even listening to the official recordings of the court hearings and recordings of every telephone call between my wife and the SpermClan made or received from our home phone. It is the Custody/Visitation/Support case that governed his life from age 1 until he turned 18. He has every right to know every detail of that case. His mom (my wife) and his SpermIdiot were never married so there was no divorce. It was all about him.

We never embellished but we also never hid anything from him either. When we deemed that he was old enough for a particulary fact we made sure we did not hide it from him. Not only did this minimize the toxic manipulations by the SpermClan it made things easier on his mom and I. No more "Why are you so mean to my Dad/Gramma/etc...." He knew that we were far from mean and that THEY were lying their asses off.

The truth..... it works.

Lalena75's picture

Crazy bipolar neighbor, her son has ADD and is a bit on the sociopath side he doesn't have the ability not to just go with whatever impulse hits him in the moment it's frustrating for my ds who has been close friends with him, her daughter is high functioning autistic, her exh whom she and her bf were living with loves his kids to death and kisses the ground his ex walks on, she will admit her goal is to fuck with peoples lives because "my pussy's just that powerful I can mess with anyone's life I want to" yeah she said that. My exh my kids bio dads is bff with her and I wouldn't put up with it. Worst part is I live next door to her because before my divorce my ex convinced the landlord there to rent it to her lying that her husband was deployed (he's not even military) when she couldn't afford it she and her bf moved out then got kicked out of 3 different friends houses including my exH's moved herself anf bf in with her exh and kids. It insane.
Yesterdays event: I won't keep this up long,